Sounds crazy to me, but there are definitely some people out there who just don’t understand why people like cats.
They don’t get why people have them, why many spend countless hours looking at hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of them – and the videos!
Why so many viral videos of cats? Not only are these people not cat people – they don’t even get cat people.
While I firmly believe that individuals like this likely just haven’t had enough in-person exposure to cats in general, and haven’t met the right cat in particular – for those who just don’t get the cat love at all and simply want to understand what’s possessed people with what seems to spread like an infectious disease, here are some reasons behind why people love cats.
Picture from post The Pesky Houseguest: Weiss the Cat
Why Are People Cat Obsessed? 14 Reasons That Help Explain Cat Love
Reason 1
They are gorgeous.
You can’t deny this, even if they’re not your thing.
Reason 2
Kittens are irresistible levels of cute. I dare you to meet a kitten in person and try not to smile.
No human can resist that level of charm, even if they’re not a fan of cats in general.
Reason 3
Pretty much every cat is quirky and odd.
Cats quite frankly have such unique personalities from one another that we “cat people” find it hard not to treat them like tiny humans.
Reason 4
When they’re being antisocial and don’t want your attention, it sort of just makes you crave their attention more.
Reason 5
And then when they do want your attention – for a cuddle or a belly rub or anything along those lines – it makes you extra happy because they chose to come to you on their own.
Reason 6
Scientific research actually shows that cats lower the risk of heart attacks in their owners.
As Laura Moss put it, “A 10-year study at the University of Minnesota Stroke Center found that cat owners were 40 percent less likely to have heart attacks than non-cat owners.”
We don’t know exactly why this is, it may be down to the fact that they purr, but either way, seems like there’s some sort of biological reason why we love ’em.
Reason 7
Cats do really strange things out of the blue, like knock things off of tables because they just can’t resist, trying to squeeze into cardboard boxes that should be pretty near too small for them to fit into, sitting in clothes and laundry piles we’ve yet to put away.
These odd behaviours they seem to collectively exhibit are both hilarious and endearing to cat people.
We-who-are-charmed by cats find it quite easy to amuse ourselves watching cats doing these things for hours – doesn’t matter if we’re watching them through videos online or in the flesh.
Reason 8
People who obsess over cats – well our obsession is like an addiction with us.
Cats to us are like chocolate to a chocoholic – a perfect way to get a quick and easy fix of happiness.
Though luckily for us cat-o-holics, there’s no downside of weight gain.
Reason 9
Many of the things people love about having dogs – the fact that they come to greet you at the door, that they desire your attention and love, that they are happy to have you around, and that they will go out of their way to seek out your cuddles and affection – are true of cats, too.
You may think most cats just mind their own business the whole day and don’t bother with humans, but those of us with cats know better – they’re not as anti-social as their reputation suggests.
Reason 10
Those of us who house cats in our own home have the enormous benefit of rarely ever feeling truly alone.
It’s one of the reasons I don’t think I could live without a cat anymore.
Even when they don’t engage (as they obviously don’t as much as dogs do), they’re like a constant warm presence in your home that’s comforting and not overwhelming or demanding.
Reason 11
Cats are really cathartic to talk to.
Honestly, you may think cat people are crazy when they talk to their pets, but don’t knock it ’til you try it.
Reason 12
Even when cats are being absurd levels of annoying (it happens, it really does), they are often so irritatingly cute while doing it that we forgive them in an instant.
Reason 13
And of course, when cats misbehave and do things they know they shouldn’t (again, it happens!), they’ve got that same irritatingly cute charm working in their favour that makes a cat person want to immediately forgive them.
Reason 14
Cats and other pets can feel like children who never grow up, which is nice if you like some of the many things involved in having a child: having someone who needs you, who wants your attention and affection, who’s life is made better and happier by your existence and care.
You may not care for these things, but there are many of us who love the feeling of being needed and appreciated.
Other Reasons People Love Cats?
There is absolutely no way I’ve listed every reason why people love cats above.
If you’ve thought of an explanation or two for cat love I’ve left out, please leave your thoughts in a comment down below!
I think it’d be great to end up with a massive list of reasons why cat lovers love cats.
Maybe it will help those who simply do not understand our cat-obsessed ways to wrap their heads around our sentiments, even if they don’t feel the same themselves.
And of course – wouldn’t it be nice if our explanations went so far as to encourage someone to “risk” spending a little more time with cats – just to see what all the fuss is about?
Who knows, maybe we’d even have a few converts on our hands. 😉
Giles says
I had a family pet cat as a child that was a beautiful white Persian. My cat died my first day of Middle School and I had her as a pet since I could even ever formulate memories (so what is that for many humans-maybe 4 or 5 years of age??). I cried and cried all week, it hurt so much when that cat died because she was like our household mascot at the time and everyone who visited always mentioned the cats name she was that influential to people. One thing I always enjoyed with that cat and many others was admiring their speed, agility, and athleticism-how they could climb and run so fast and how fast she could swat at toys or strings of yarn with literal lighting speed. Ive visited friends of friends houses over the years and have seen peoples cats do some really cool daredevil athletic stuff like climb on top of cabinets and furniture 25x their height and they look like trapeze artists up there so graceful and powerful, it’s beautiful to watch really. I had dogs later on and they played more often but the cat played with me in a quality way though with less volume but very high quality as I used to love coming home from school and getting her favorite toys out to play. She loved grabbing strings and yarn and jumping over small items in the floor like some kind of track and field athlete doing hurdles. One cool thing was we found a painting at a home decor store that’s massive (must be 8’x 5’ ) and it looks just like that beautiful White Persian like a self portrait kind of similar although that was totally random but it looks so cool til this day hanging up in a stairwells empty wall so when you go up or down the stairs you see it adjacent from a beautiful decorated light fixture and it shines on it like some kind of art gallery so it always makes the ascent up or down the stairs interesting and heart warming rather than mundane or boring. If I ever got another cat it would definitely be a Persian although the Siamese also look really cool to me as well.
Kathi McGough says
We adopted a cat (George) in 2017. He had been declawed on all four paws by his previous owner(s) and, as his female owner was shot to death, there may have been abuse. He was left in the home several days before her father found him and took him to a shelter. I grew up with pets, but my boyfriend did not so he was very nervous about adopting a cat. In the almost five years since we have had him, George and my bf have bonded beautifully. George has also evolved from a cat regarded as unadoptable to a very affectionate and loving companion whom we both adore. ❤️ He definitely adds personality to our home.
Tel-Aviv's feral cats says
I like cats because of their velvety fur, too. It’s so soothing to pet them.
Also, they’re so calm, and their content is contagious. As a severely chronic insomniac suffering from general anxiety and ocd and whatnot, I picture my cats sleeping when I struggle to sleep every night. Sometimes it helps. Ever watched sleeping cats? The way they breath so slowly and the dreamy expression on their faces? Complete nirvana.
And it’s the joy they take from the simplest things in life. Even a grasshopper jumping in the grass is fascinating. Life can’t be boring when your cat jumps and runs like crazy.
And they’re athletic.
And they do hilarious things. Make you laugh your whiskers off.
Avery Pynn says
Hi there,
So, I’ve been wanting a cat for a really long time (a really really really really long time) but I can’t seem to convince my parents to let me rescue one! Do you have any tips on how to convince them a cat would be good for our family? My youngest sibling is 9, and the oldest is 16. We have a dog, but she is pretty calm and snuggles with the cat next door. My parents are worried about the cat not getting along with everyone, but I have drawn the conclusion that a cat would just have a really good impact on us.
Thank you!!!
Kayla says
Hey! I do have a tip for you! So I had been wanting a cat for a really long time as well and we have 2 dogs also. I rescued my short hair black domestic cat back in June of 2020 and he was 2 months old when I got him. What we did was slowly introduce him to our dogs but also we kept holding him and carrying him all over the house along with belly/paw rubs, we really wanted our cat to be very open and not easily disturbed by things and our tricks have worked. He’s pretty much a dog in a cute kitty body. By adopting him as a kitten and him constantly being around people and rubbed on all over it has turned him to a very sweet, docile, human loving cat. He doesn’t care who you are if you walk into our house he wants loves and cuddles. He has been a blessing from the start.
Yvonne says
I think a big reason is that cats touch you. We pet them but they pet us too. My cat pats my hand with her paw. They’re also talkative and have a lots of little chirps that are just for you. They’re brave, they love to play and you can’t tell them what to do. All in all they’re super little friends to have.
Martin says
I agree, part of their charm is all the different sounds they make. Or don’t make. (If you haven’t already, get your hands on the book The Silent Meow by Paul Gallico).
My cat makes this sound that I describe as a cross between a purr and meow when he runs past me to go somewhere he is not supposed to go.
Martin says
Correction: it’s spelled The Silent Miaow.
Elise Xavier says
I call it the “mrr” (if I’m thinking of the same noise you are), and will often “mrr” back at my own cats when they do it 😉
ddd says
xavier they are talking about the book
Nova says
I love cats so much. I am alergic to both cats and dogs but with dogs I have a hard time breathing it gets so bad there is no chance I can breath with my nose. However, with a cat I just get a skin reaction. They have constantly be in that one spot for it to take a effect. When I first got my cat. He would constantly sleep on my neck after the 3rd night of him doing it I got a rash on my neck of where he was. But he’s gotton older and bigger and doesn’t sleep on my neck he sleeps in my arms, stomach, or back. Also another reason why I like cats is because there misunderstood creatures. O have always been attracted to misunderstood people and or animals. A lot of people I know hate cats and I don’t know why. But that makes me like them more because a lot of people don’t really like them and makes me feel special that I can love a very lovable creature people see as bad.
Dianne Rivers says
I am trying to make a decision of getting a cat or a dog. I have never owned a cat. I will be 70 years old in a few weeks. My granddaughter feels that because of my age that I should get a cat. I know that I would like not having to take a cat outside to potty and for walks. But I am not sure if I would like a cat walking on the tables, kitchen counters, cabinets… etc. Please give me some suggestions. Thank you!
Elise Xavier says
I’ve managed to train both my cats to not walk on tables, kitchen counters, and cabinets (here’s my guide on how to do it). They’re easy too because you don’t have to bathe them. That being said, small dogs are also excellent. I would try to interact with one of each at a pet store to see if you get a tighter bond with one or the other, but absolutely cats are trainable and in my opinion are easier to look after than dogs.
Jessenia says
that you I am doing a speech on cats for school in French and the info you gave was very helpful
Elise Xavier says
Glad you found this helpful, Jessenia! 😉
Alicia says
I love cats because I grew up with them. When I was little this kitten slept with me or near me whenever she had the chance, sat with me and played with me, she was the best little furry friend I could have asked for. I did my best to take care of her and even as I got older she still slept in my room either by or on my head or in my chair. It wasnt until we moved and came back that she gained a bunch of weight and was in very sad condition. Not long after that we moved again and we got a phone call that she was put down. I must have cried over her for a few weeks, I felt so bad that I wasnt there. But then, a few years later after a break up and a severe depression started, my mom comes in with this tiny dirty little kitten. It was so odd because she said had she not gone the way she had, she wouldn’t have found her, and my brother and cousin just happened to hear her mew. She carried her home in her short, and shes been a part of our family for.. about 7 years? Sadly we still dont have a name for said kitty, but she’s adorable and the most energetic cat I’ve had lol her personality too, everyone swears she’s my sister in a cats body.
Long story short, without my kitty friends I would have felt very alone. They were there for me when no one else was. Quiet, not demanding or dirty, they’re friendly, loving, kind, and very intelligent.. maybe even too much sometimes lol. I dont get it because my husband is completely a dog person, but I guess he hasn’t had too many good cat experiences. Dogs have always been his best friend, cats have always been mine 🙂
Elise Xavier says
That was beautiful, Alicia! Thank you for sharing your story 🙂
I feel like some cats really and do truly touch our lives. When we find those special ones that mesh with us and those near to us so well in terms of personality, it’s hard not to completely fall in love with them. And definitely, at that point, it’s impossible to deny our lives are made better by them and that we really can’t live without them. I love all cats now, but it took a few special cats to really make me understand them to the point where I feel like I love them all as a species so very much. They’re so unique and yet all so similar in a number of ways I personally can’t help but love.
Thanks again for sharing your story, it brightened my day 🙂
Colleen Jeffries says
I had a feral cat who came around , ate , slept and watching tv with me . He only like crime shows He would let me pet him.-only a few pets. He hissed the neighbor tenant (who is an cop), when he was in uniform. He hissed at a coyote that came within range of my place . That coyate ran the other way. Feral cat had a scar on face.
A biker moved in next to me . It was loved with those twos. He had a vest made for the cat. He rides with the biker . The feral cat went to lived with the biker. He drank beer with him. He was hissing at the cop neighbor when, I moved.
People told me. I should had video tape him. I was shocked at the feral cat’s behavior and love of his owner —the biker who would give him some beer to drink. To see a cat with a vest with biker’s colors is beyond shocking .
I was told sometimes feral cats will settle with a human if they like them Enough.
That cat was a female —with fur and four legs .
Elise Xavier says
What an epic personality! And you definitely should have video taped her; that cat sounds like she could have an entire film series based after her life.
A cat and a biker as soulmates, what a tale.
Thanks so much for sharing this!
Marietta N. Palermo says
I love cats, I call them my BFFs, their beautiful, fast, and funny!
Also quiet, clean and calming.🐱🦁🐯🐱
Julia says
We have a neighbor cat who adopted my family- she just likes to be with us. She’s my sidekick often now (her owner is cool with this) and she’s enhanced my life so much. I enjoy her playfulness and spirit. The lap-warming and spontaneity of her visits are also bonuses 🙂
Elise Xavier says
Too sweet 🙂 I love how a single cat’s presence can enhance human lives so very much!
Marietta says
Hi, I have list why I love
Cats. Beautiful, comical,
Unpredictable, Spontanous, Calming,
Gentle, Cute, Silly, Smart, Clean, Not smelly, agile, Soft, fluffy,
Good mothers, Qurky,
Jumps high, curious, gives soft kisses, can scare some bigger animals away, good mousers, Good company, Kittens are precious. A cat person
forever♥️ Marietta Palermo
Elise Xavier says
A beautiful list. Reads like a poem 🙂
Thanks for the comment, Marietta!
Elle says
We have 8 rescued cats, always have been rescuing cats all my life. No two have ever been the same in looks or characters, but I’ve seen brotherhood, loyalty and care giving of elderly cats by the younger cats, tender heartness towards each other and especially to us, their humans. Tender kisses on the face to wake us, concern if we were ill, cats that would kneed on a sore tummy to show you, hey somethings wrong, later to be diagnosed by a doctor that there was indeed a problem. Openers of cupboard doors, balancing on one leg, to hook the catnip bag out of the cupboard to create a weed party all night for the whole gang….. Well they deserved their little party after the ingenuity of the planning process. They communicate with loving blinks of their eyes and by now I know every nuance and emotion displayed. They have emotional lives rich and complex. Our greatest teachers, healers and companions. My heart overflows forever and always.
Elise Xavier says
I can’t believe I didn’t see this comment until now! This is such a beautiful depiction of life with cats. I feel you’ve hit the nail on the head with each and every point.
They feel like such magical creatures to me, and can really turn a day around even with just those loving little blinks. What better way to start the day then those little tender kisses you were talking about? Love this so much, thank you for posting it! xoxo
Stuart Beatty says
A relaxed, sleeping cat is the most floppy, flexible, calming influence on us relatively uptight viewers. The melted posture just always makes me smile.
Elise Xavier says
Yes! Agreed 😉
Mary Bragg says
You forgot living heating pads. My sister’s cat knows which shoulder is sore and will get on that shoulder and purr. I had one that, when it was cold, love getting under the covers. She would come up at night, put her cold nose in the back of my neck until I lifted the covers for her to get under. She then curl up behind my knees and purr as she went to sleep. When she passed at 19 years old, I was devastated. At that point I’d had her half my life.
Elise Xavier says
Oh my this is so true! How could I forget 😉
19 years old though, you’re so lucky you got to keep her so long! If only our pets could live lives as long as ours.
Rhonda says
They’re smart. My cats respond to hand signals and phrases. They know quite a few words and usually listen to me.
Elise Xavier says
They *are* smart! I think dog people underestimate how clever cats can be. We cat people know the full extent to which these creatures can understand us and even be trained if we want them to do or to not do something. I think we just don’t feel the need to train them as often as we feel we need to train dogs, but they certainly could be trained!
Thanks for stopping by, Rhonda! 🙂
vera Brian says
Cats are smarter than dogs. There have been studies done to prove this.
Also check out the videos of Dean and Nala, 1Bike 1 World and you will see one of the most amazing, intelligent, sociable well travelled cat you have ever seen. Their videos on YouTube are very well done and addictive. Everyone who has watched them are addicted to this duo.
RJ Teich says
And another “gift” from them is they can become therapy animals! Having PTSD from trauma, I brought home a one year old (to join my eight year old) because he was not adopted from an adoption event I was volunteering. Within a year I could feel a calmness to myself (literally the crying everyday stopped) because of living with this rambunctious funny bunch of furry cuteness. He had an abusive back story. Now I always ask; who rescued who?
Elise Xavier says
I honestly couldn’t agree more! I feel like every pet acts like a therapy pet in their household. Cats, dogs, all are such a positive impact on our lives. As to who rescued who: you rescued him, then he rescued you. <3
Thanks so much for leaving your comment - I love hearing stories like this. Pets are incredible.
Alicia says
I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award. You deserve it 🙂 I linked your blog to my post:
Thanks for being amazing! And Giving such purrtastic content!
Meow for now!
Alicia & Rose from Stay at Home Cat Mom
Elise Xavier says
Thank you so much! 🙂 🙂 Stopping by to check the article out now!
Annie says
It would be great if there were more converts. It’s amazing to me that there are still so many that claim they don’t like cats. These 14 are some great reasons, and like you said, there are many more.
Even if a cat isn’t super affectionate, they are always sweet in their own way and that makes them special.
Elise Xavier says
Agree completely! And yes; cats are all so quirky and have such unique, fascinating personalities that even if they’re not the most cuddly, they’re all so interesting to watch and be around anyway.
Brian Frum says
Great list and stopping at 14 had to be the real challenge!
Elise Xavier says
Haha, yeah definitely!