Welcome to the KittyClysm FAQ Page!
Take a browse through if you’re curious about something in particular.
Have a question that isn’t up here? Ask it in the comments section of any post, or visit the contact page to let me know!

Questions About Pets
How many cats do you have?
For the longest time, we just had one cat. Then for a couple years, that went up to two.
Now, years later, we’re at 4 cats, and planning on holding steady with that number as ours are a handful!
What are your cats’ names?
Our first cat’s name is Avery! Here’s what he looks like –

The the second addition to our home? His name is Bjorn. Here’s a photo…

We also took in the oh-so-stunning stray, Athos as well, who we think might be Bjorn’s father –

Are you sure you only have those tree? I thought I saw pictures of other cats on this blog.
I frequently use pictures of other cats on this blog! So if you’re not quite sure if you’re seeing a picture of Avery, Bjorn, or Athos – chances are you’re right; it’s probably not them!
It’s likely a cat that belongs to someone I know (like my brother, my mum, a friend or even a neighbour), or it could be one of the little cuties I’ve seen around the block.
Do you have any other pets?
Not yet! Though Thomas and I have been entertaining the thought of getting fishies for the cats to watch and we used to think we’d like to have a bearded dragon.
At one point, we had a pet ball python named Havana (she’s the other pet I used to blog about – on this blog: My Pet Python), but we couldn’t keep her for very long after we took Avery in since we were starting the process of moving across continents from Canada to the UK.
I feel like I heard somewhere your cats were strays you guys took in – is this true?
Yup! It’s true. If you’d like to read & see pictures of the whole story of Avery coming into our lives, check out this post on our personal blog: Smitten With a Kitten – When a Stray Cat Adopts You.
And if you’d like to see Bjorn’s story, check out this post: Our New Cat Knew: Stick Around Long Enough, They’ll Let You In.
Questions About Articles
Why did you write a post about __?
Chances are high that when I write about a topic (especially when it comes to pet care), it’s because I was curious about the topic, then figured I’d do up a post on KittyClysm compiling all the research I was doing for myself anyway.
Having cats and family members with cats and being the type of person who does a lot of Googling to learn as much as I can about any issues that crop up means I’ve spent a lot of time browsing through informational cat posts learning all that I can about “cat problems” over the years. Having KittyClysm is nice because it means I don’t have to research a topic more than once, I can just write up a summary of my findings into a single post and can refer back to it later if I end up in the same boat again – either for researching something for my own cat, or as advice for someone else’s I know.
Can you write a post about __?
Yes! Most certainly can. Just send me an email or let me know about your post request by leaving a comment and I would be happy to write up an article for you!
I don’t think you got a fact quite right. Shouldn’t you correct it?
Sure should! Pop me an email or let me know in the comments section of the post where I got it wrong, and I’ll do my best to fix the article.
I think something could’ve been said a little better. Did you want me to tell you?
Again, yes please! Send an email or leave me a comment in the post that’s got the problem and I’ll do my best to patch up the issue.
Do you accept guest posts?
Nope, sorry! I’m the only one who writes the posts published on this blog, and it’s going to stay that way. Sorry about that, but no guest posts now or ever.
Questions About Reviews
Can you write a review about __?
I don’t review too many products, especially considering the sheer volume of cat products there are out there, but if I get asked enough about a certain toy, litter, cat tree, or whatever the product happens to be, I will do my best to get a hold of that product for a review; so don’t hesitate to ask about a review for a product! Again, you can contact me here.
I work for x brand. Can you review our product?
Maybe. You can certainly ask, but I may or may not accept doing a product review depending on a bunch of factors, like the following:
- How busy I am (not going to take on work I can’t handle!)
- How much I like the product (if I don’t care to try out the product and would never buy it for myself, chances are I will turn down a review of your product)
- How many requests I’ve gotten for reviews for that product (needless to say, if people ask, I will be more inclined to do a review)
- How likely I think it is to benefit my cats (if I think my cat will love a product, I’ll almost certainly say yes)
If you’re interested in sending me a product, please check out my advertise page first, then if you still want to work with me, contact me here.

That’s it for the FAQs for now! Like I said many times before, if you’ve got a question that hasn’t been answered here, let me know by leaving a comment on any post or by contacting me directly with an email.