There’s really only one real reason to be interested in top entry litter boxes: you don’t want to have to deal with so much mess when it comes to litter.
Right now, I don’t live in the biggest apartment ever. Actually, that’s an understatement. I live in a studio flat with my husband and my cat. Both my husband and I work from home, and so when things get messy around here, it’s not fun.
My cat is not the neatest when it comes to his litter box. Don’t get me wrong, Avery’s probably the most fastidious cleaner I’ve ever known when it comes to his own personal hygiene, but when it comes to litter box stuff, well let’s just say he’s sometimes lazy (doesn’t cover up), sometimes crazy (as in, will leap out of a litter box, spraying litter a meter or two away), and on his best days, he’s reasonable-though-not-the-most-tidy.
You know those cats that will politely wipe their paws on the litter mat in front of the litter box every time they’ve finished doing their thing? Yeah, not my cat. Not ever. Cool with me, though, because it just means I have to be a little more clever with litter box selection – and litter selection for that matter.
The obvious solution: a top entry litter box.
Top entry litter boxes mean less mess because if a cat jumps onto the top, lowers him/herself into it, and then pops back onto the top before leaving the litter box completely, well you end up with all the mess in the top portion of the litter box – which usually has holes in it to let the litter drop straight through to re-join the rest of the litter.
It’s not the easiest thing to try to explain, and if that made no sense to you, I’m so sorry, but basically I’m guessing that if you’re here, chances are very high you already know the benefits of a top-entry cat litter box and were just here to see what my picks were. So let’s get into that!
My Favourite Options: Top Entry Litter Boxes I Considered Buying
1. IRIS Filtered Lid with Scoop Top Entry Litter Box
Edit 2019/06/19 – This top entry litter box wasn’t around when I was first considering switching, though I absolutely, 100% would’ve grabbed one if it was available when I was. The IRIS filtered lid boxes are stupid affordable, they’re crazy well thought out, they’re lightweight, making them easy to move around if you ever need to change up where your litter box for the day or take it to a cat sitter’s house. Highly convenient for that actually seeing as how the litter never spills out at all, and considering I keep certain areas of my house closed to the cats now that I have a big house, I think this would come in handy now.
Oh, and it’s stunning. And it comes in a slew of colours so you’re really likely to find one that suits your tastes and/or matches your furniture if it’s up your alley. I’m mad that they’re not easy to get in Europe – but once they get here I absolutely positively want-one-so-bad. Awesome product, and in my opinion the perfect example of a company jumping on a trend to create a product that others have been selling a lot of, but putting their own twist on it, bringing the quality up a notch, and keeping the pricing low? I honestly think IRIS nailed this in every way shape and form.
2. Petmate Top Entry Litter Pan
This one deserves to be high up on the for a couple very convincing reasons: 1. It’s not actually too bad looking at all, and (most importantly) 2. The price is great. I actually think the Petmate Top Entry Litter Pan looks loads better than many top-entry litter boxes up there, though absolutely not as great as the IRIS.
3. Clevercat Top Entry Litter Box
This is one of the ones I meant when I said that option #1 was prettier than competitors up to 2 times its price. I actually think that although this one looks a little nicer because it’s monochrome, overall it’s not actually nicer looking than the Petmate one – seriously don’t know if anyone will agree with me here, but yeah, definitely between the two budget options, I think the Petmate is the obvious winner.
Still a really great option, though. I don’t consider it to be poorly priced at all.
One thing to note is that with this top entry litter box, there aren’t holes in the top part, so you might have to do a little more clean up. Though so easy – just pick up the lid and tilt the excess litter straight back into the litter box and you’re done. Boy do I love top-entry litter boxes! Because of the way this one’s lid is made it might actually catch a bit more of the stray litter that catches onto your cats paws, though. Would love to test it out versus the Petmate one myself to see the difference firsthand.
4. IRIS Top Entry Cat Litter Box
Sadly for me, there are a lot of products available on that really aren’t available on This is one of them. I saw this litter box and actually probably would have bought if I’d seen it on the UK Amazon. Too bad in one respect (it’s a good deal in my opinion), but not so bad in another because I actually love the litter box I ended up with so much!
Basically, this in my opinion is the cutest darn option you could buy at this price point. It’s sleek and modern and for some reason reminds me of Hello Kitty. Not sure why I get those vibes, maybe it’s just the fact that I’m associating it with cuteness, but either way. The styling of the top of the litter (those circles = <3) + that little paw print button! All at such a low price point? Yes. I would have been sold. White + cream is standard, and definitely what I would have gotten for my all-white flat, but that orange is hella cute, too with those with more colourful rooms!
(Edit 10/20/17: Looks like IRIS has added a few more colour options to the mix; you can now grab this one in: black + grey, black + white, and dark grey + light grey.)
5. Modko Modkat Top Entry Litter Box
This is actually the one I bought (yes, I know, you’re not surprised because you saw it in my pictures – duh!). I was sooo close to buying Modko’s Modkat Flip Entry Litter Box instead of this (because both are pretty and match the all-white furniture in my house).
Not going to lie, it was the price that made me really reluctant to try this product. Coupled with the worry that it wouldn’t be durable – that the lining in the box wouldn’t last, that my cat would be pretty aggressive with jumping in and out and would break the box or the lid. Oh so much worried me because that huge price tag meant I couldn’t easily replace it.
What put me at ease? They sell individual liners in case the lining tears. And my husband told me that if the top part broke (I was genuinely concerned it would!) he could DIY a new one very easily. So I made the buy.
Well, it’s been pretty much a solid year and the liner is still chucking along in looks-like-new condition, there’s no visible signs of wear on anything – the lid, the box itself, the scooper (why that would show signs of wear, I don’t know, but I thought I’d list it as well anyway!). It’s helped so much with the clean-up process, it’s strangely enough made cleaning the litter box way easier than a side entry litter box.. oh there’s just too much I like about it, though of course the way it looks 100% takes the cake.
But enough! If you’d like to read more about this litter box, you can check out my review of it here.
Edit 2019/06/19 – Honestly, I love this thing so much I bought it in black, too. Black is my new favourite colour it comes in. I think I might get the grey one as well (can see it looking nice in my office!). Yes, I’m crazy, but the cats love them, I love them, they’re seriously fab.
Edit, Edit 2019/06/19 – Got an email from Modkat to say the grey one is back in stock. Bought it, too! Yup, I am 100% crazy.
Modko Modkat Sleek Minimalist Top Entry Litter Box – Amazon / eBay
How I Feel About Top Entry Litter Boxes Now
All in all how do I feel about top-entry litter boxes now that I have one myself? Would I make the purchase again?
100% yes. No questions asked.
I just have a really messy cat when it comes to litter boxes and so I find it important to have a good litter box and/or a good litter because clean up used to drive me nuts. Having a happy cat in a small apartment is not the easiest thing to do without litter issues driving me up a wall. Now, with the Modkat Litter box, I’m only driven nuts around a tenth of the time Avery goes – because let’s be honest, my crazy cat once in a while still finds a way to leap over the box and completely disregards the fact that he’s supposed to go on the top part before even a second before leaving. Yeah hes a special snowflake..
Nonetheless, it’s still considerably less clean up than before.
And I know that if I want to get clean up down to little to nothing, I could probably do so with a different litter. Specifically, a walnut based litter like the Blue Buffalo Naturally Fresh one I used to use when I lived back in Canada that’s unfortunately not easily available here in the UK. Right now I’m using World’s Best, though, which I love because it keeps cat-pee-smells to a minimum (you can see my review of it here). Not sure about making a trade off considering I’m okay with what little clean up there still is to do with this litter.
Would I have bought a different top-entry litter box if I lived in a bigger house? Maaaybe. (Edit 2019/06/19 – Nope; now in a house with two cats and grabbed a second Modkat in black; also want a third in grey 😉 ) (Edit, Edit 2019/06/20 – As I mentioned earlier, just bought my third Modkat in grey this morning; I will now have all 3 colours! I promise I know how crazy I am.)
If I had to choose something else it would absolutely be the first option, the IRIS Filtered Lid with Scoop Top Entry Litter Box. So affordable and so super cute.
Being frank, if I have the budget, once I get a second cat I may just get another Modkat top entry litter box because of how much I’ve loved the first. Maybe in black if I have a room with some black furniture, or for a washroom with tuxedo black-bottom/white-top tiles. (Edit 2019/06/19 – Funny looking back and seeing that I wrote this! Since I actually did).
The Modkat top entry box is stylistically so far superior to the others that it’s hard for me to say I would choose anything else if the price tag wasn’t an issue. And considering it lasts so long without breaking or wear, I don’t really mind spending the money on a second.
Picture from post Home Tour: Our Flat is Practically an Ikea Showroom
What’s Your Take on Top Entry Cat Litter Boxes?
Enough out of me, let’s hear from you!
What’s your take on top entry litter boxes?
Have you used one before? Which did you buy? How did you like it?
Have you thought about buying one? Any concerns? (PS – if your concern is you’re worried about your cat being able to use one, check out this article on top-entry litter box training).
Let me know your thoughts in the comments section down below.
Hi Elise, just discovered your really great site! Have bookmarked for future reference!
About top entry boxes: I did buy the Iris top-entry because (Modkat was totally out of budget for me) for exactly the same reasons as you, but both my cats simply refused to use it. I tried many things including putting their used litter in there, but one of them wouldn’t even enter it and the other one explored it a little but did not do his business in there. I’ve resigned myself to a hooded box with a litter-catching mat, which actually is fine, the litter only scatters a little and sweeping at the end of the day does the trick.
Also, Naturally Fresh is fantastic! Tracks far less than clay and has reduced the smell to almost zero. Cats seem to like it too and one bag it lasts way longer.
Im actually making my own out of storage containers… cut holes in the lid. Reason being is that I have a cat that disliked a previous side entry lidded litterbox. I saw a suggestion elsewhere that said cats like to see what might be sneaking up on them when they wee so I wanted a clear bucket with a non clear bottom few inches or so (to hide the sides of the litter.
I bought clear storage buckets and spray painted the bottom four inches or so.
Will see how the cats like it tomorrow once the paint sets!
Thanks so much for your suggestions and ideas.
My Sphynx ladies are curious and intelligent. I will just put some used litter in or even some new without anything else and they will know what it’s for. I thankfully have no worries on that score. We also travel and stay away occasionally and I just pick up the tray and pop it in the car, place it in a convenient area when I get where I’m going (my mums usually) and they have never failed to use it so cope with changes well.
I’ve too have used the clumping corn litter you use and agree it’s very good at clumping, however I found that It tracked badly with my side entry one. And as I said, Having tried and tested them all as long as they have green credentials – I’m firm on that score, I have ended up using silica at first for its antibacterial properties (since I am medically immune suppressed), but it was brilliant also in my Petmate Automatic tray (now abandoned). Now that there’s a clumping silica litter too I’m double pleased! (It’s called Tigerino Fresh). It doesn’t clump as hard as the corn one but it’s good. It’s also VERY fine grained so I have just ordered a new litter scoop, one with very fine holes as used for substrates, so that the clean litter will fall out leaving me with only used. I’m finding it economical, I just top up as the level goes down.
The girls tend to have an area in the tray that they choose where they will always wee, and another that they choose that is for poo. Both like to dig including the sides where no litter is, the digging motion is instinctual just not sure why the side of the covered box too!
I have a mat – a half circle affair that has a surface that is like lots of very fine spagetti flattened down. I hate it so if I can be mat free I will be delighted!
I read various user experience of the ModKat liner… some like and some do not. I don’t like the idea of having to dispose of it and replace it… and the manufacturer instruction to wash and dry it will cause a delay in refilling the tray which is impossible. One user however has said hers has lasted and lasted… maybe I will but a refill pack so I have one in use and one to wash..? What do you do? I am in the UK so drying is gonna be a chancy affair much of the year.
I agree totally with you that I’d rather have something right at the start… I have toyed with the idea of the Cat Genie plumbed (due to my medically suppressed state, a litter I never handled would be awesome however, I’m too worried about the plastic beads of litter it uses being lost in the environment as it flushes and washes…how can I be sure that they will not end up causing issue down the line? I’ve written to the makers to ask about this but received no response… another thing that caused me concern, that perhaps they don’t care. 🙁
Anyhoo, I expect mt smart new ModKat to arrive at some stage this week!
BTW, did you see the new ModKat XL – with both side and top entry? Looks smart still but I wondered if users would be back to using mats outside the door?
Great talking to another Crazy Cat Lady-take care, love Dee, Noodle 🐾🐾 & Prune 🐾🐾❤️
Your girls sound so clever. That bit about having an area in the tray where they always wee and a different one where they poo – wow! Very impressed at these two.
I think there’s a chance I had the same mat as you. I thought it was cuter than the larger ones – still, I find all mats dreadful. Mostly because I hate the look of all cat mats for the most part, but also because none ever seem to catch the incredible mess Avery leaves behind.
I’ve never replaced my ModKat liner. It’s I think due to the fact that the litter just falls off it so I’ve never really had to scrape against it to get anything off. You can absolutely buy a refill pack so you can always have one clean. Air drying in the UK is pretty painful, but even if it wasn’t, truthfully, I find hand wiping it with a soapy cloth and drying with by hand, then placing the litter back immediately is way more than enough for cleaning up. Honestly, it typically only gets really dirty in a small area at a time, say when the cat’s peed on the side, so it’s very easy to spot clean these as they come up, and clean thoroughly very infrequently. If you don’t let the litter get too low, it shouldn’t get dirty on the bottom easily either.
I bought a refill pack but didn’t use it for *ages* – then I found an alternate use for the three refill liners as makeshift travel litter boxes when I took Avery over from the UK to Portugal. When I took Bjorn in, I didn’t have it in me to buy litter boxes I didn’t want to keep, so I set up two liners by themselves. Just filled them with litter, been up that way for roughly two months while Bjorn adjusts to indoor life (don’t want to make changes quick as he was peeing in cardboard boxes sporadically up to about a month ago). They do honestly hold up even as standalone litter boxes, and that’s with two cats physically pushing their bodies through and stepping on them to get inside to use the loo. They’re a lot better than typical travel & temporary boxes because they have high walls, so catch nearly everything, and they’re a lot more long-living than disposable ones. I honestly love them for this makeshift purpose.
I’ve toyed with the idea of grabbing a Cat Genie as well, but I worry it might messy and even more work to clean than the ModKat. Absolutely agree about the plastic beads being lost in the environment as it flushes and washes. I guess that’s part of why I like World’s Best so much. I’m nowhere near good at being environmentally friendly, but I like the idea that in this little way I can be.
I did see the new ModKat XL, but I prefer the look of the original, plus I don’t think I could ever use a side entry litter box again without being forced to, haha. I would definitely think it’d be necessary to go back to mats with that option.
PS – good on you for having this type of health issue yet pushing past with the struggles of pet ownership. I think a lot of people with health issues that get exacerbated around pets are way too afraid to take a “furry” in when they would really like to. But there are so many great workarounds nowadays – from picking the right breed to silica litter; it’s doable now, so it’s great to see people actually going for it.
Lovely talking to you as well 🙂
Well… yes, after writing I did go ahead and order it – in white at Zooplus.. Bitiba has the black version at slightly less again but aesthetically white it had to be! I agree, the look is important when you don’t have a utility area which is by nature more utilitarian and would therefore not “mind” a less good looking one.
Having gone ModKat, I don’t think I will be using the inner bag though!
Now is the to wait for it to arrive and then to see how long it takes my girls to use it. And to see if it will reduce litter tracking which together with wanting something that looks nice and less like a cat toilet is my reason for buying this item.
On the subject of litter, no one has commented extensively as far as I can see in researching it, on litter type that works best……. some trays I know do recommend a litter type..for example. I have an Iris side entry at the moment which has a built in “door- step” inside to catch/reduce litter tracking… it recommended use of pellets but I now use Silica litter….so I’d be interested to hear what people who use top entry litter boxes prefer to use please?
And also if people still use a mat around the jump down area…?
And this is a whole other subject – which mats work best…they have come a long way..
Thank you so much though for your various posts on the top entry box…… while I’d viewed these different boxes online extensively over a long time before finding your blog it certainly did help me to decide to take the plunge…
Yes, I agree with you that the iris is nice to look at but, it’s shape in my mind is not well thought out…. you could well be chasing around with your scoop unable to catch the do without a flat edge to scoop up. I also felt it wastes wall space since it won’t ever be flat up against the wall… what would those spare spaces be useful for….however one plus is that the same lack of corners means it would use less litter to fill it to the same depth…
Cheers, Dee
Litter you use absolutely does not matter, which I feel is a huge advantage – so if you have a preference, and especially at first when your cat is getting used to the new box, continue to use the same litter.
Personally, I use World’s Best Multi-Cat Formula, and I love it to bits; have a review of what I like/dislike about it up here. TLDR; I really like the fact that it’s made of corn, that it clumps well, that it masks odours well. It’s not perfect when it comes to tracking, but when it does come out of the Modkat, it’s light and so isn’t too apparent on white furniture, and definitely doesn’t show up on wood flooring. Really you can use anything with these boxes, though, which is why it’s not discussed often. I can’t stand non-clumping litters and pellets because my Avery is a vigorous digger, so everything ends up all mixed together instead of in a neat pile for me to clean up, then smells terrible after a few weeks since I can never get all the smelly bits out, but it really depends on the cat, since many just leave their business alone once they’re done.
I absolutely do not use a mat around the jump down area. Litter rarely ever collects outside. Since my Avery is a madman who sometimes jumps *over* the entire lid (he’s super tall and quite easily does this), he still gets some litter out. I took a picture of the typical “fallout” I have to clean up after a few days or even a week in my review of the Modkat here, but again he’s a lunatic in the loo and you’re not likely to have at all this level of tracking. If you have a cat anything like my (newly adopted) second cat, Bjorn, you’re unlikely to notice much tracking.
I have an article on which mats are most popular here – too many for me to test myself side by side, so that’s the only way I thought reasonable to do up a list, but I would honestly hold off to test the Modkat without a mat. I think it’s much more attractive without one, and it’s really not enough fall out to have one based on my experience.
Agreed about the IRIS shape being less convenient when it comes to cleaning & space (though I’m lucky have plenty of the latter to take up these days). Also the lack of liner I think would make cleaning more difficult as well. Never have to worry about the litter sticking to the sides with the Modkat Liners, the World’s Best clumps almost fall off the liner. As a heads up about the filling up for the same depth, don’t put it past your kitty to use those corners! My cats really do use every little bit of the Modkat surface area, and while Avery prefers the depth since he digs, Bjorn prefers the surface area since when he pees he leaves things alone. With Bjorn I get something like a line around the edges of clumped litter balls in a row, it’s pretty funny. Eventually all the litter gets used, so no wastage there either; thus I definitely think the Modkat wins on this front, too.
Quite frankly, having this blog makes me feel a lot more confidence when I buy cat products. If I hate something it will result in an article explaining, “I wouldn’t buy this, it’s not as good as the other..” If others didn’t benefit from my poor experiences, I would absolutely go with what I know I like – more Modkats – because I’m obsessed. Also I dread buying products I dislike, even if the cost isn’t high making the test technically worth it. Would rather pay 4 times more and get something I know I like, or something I know is better. I hate the idea of waste or replacing things needlessly, so this is probably what it boils down to – would rather just get what I love from the get go.
Stop by with absolutely any questions you have, very happy to discuss anything I have experience with and research what I don’t know! And do come back and let me know how your girls gets along once you do try out the Modkat. I have an article on top entry litter box training here in case you need it; the comments on that article are also super helpful, many chimed in with their own tips. Super curious to see if your girls take to it right away, like my second.
I’m trying to fall in love with a less pricey option and make the change to a top entry box for my Nakids…. I WANT the Modko for looks but almost £100 for a plastic bin with tryya/lid is ridiculous and scandalous… and yes they will keep on changing it because we will buy it…
But price is so important a factor… and also perhaps is the litter…. I’ve tried many… sticking to bio-enviro-friendly litters always, cats best, worlds best, corn, pulp, shell and all finally deciding that I am a silica litter fan since there are eco – warrior suitable silica litters to use…..and now that there is a clumping variety too I see no reason not to take the top entry plunge…. but having bought and also now abandoned an expensive electronically auto cleaning one to stump up another almost £100 is giving me the jitters.
Yes, the price is an enormously important factor. As a heads up, based on my experience, the ModKats are actually substantially cheaper at than anywhere else in the UK. Right now the white is £69.99, which I feel is pretty reasonable compared to £100, and I think there are subscription cards you can buy that make every shop you grab from Zooplus 5% or 10% off or something like that?
I would never have paid for a litter box so expensive if I didn’t have to be in such close proximity to it day in, day out (studio flat means you really have to maximize your space). But when I finally did grab it, and move, I went so far as to buy a second since I loved it so much I actually feel the price tag is okay. Certainly not great, but I’m a sucker for having things I’m aesthetically in love with in my house, so instead of fighting it, I just shop around as much as humanly possible to at least get the best deal on what I’d like.
To be honest, I don’t mind the Iris Top Entry Litter Box either, but while they’re now available on for pretty reasonable prices, I can’t get them here in Portugal for what I feel is a decent price yet. So holding out on those to see if that will happen soon.
I have a very messy kitty – Rufus. He is a very good boy, but tracks so much litter. I was thrilled to find
the top entry litter box and purchased the IRIS model. It looks great. I set it up but Rufus refuses to use it!
Have you any ideas or suggestions for getting a cat to use the box?
Hey Katie! Besides what tips I’ve mentioned in the body of this article, there have been some very good pieces of advice handed over by other pet parents in this very comments section – so please read through them to see if you can find a system someone else recommended that may work well for encouraging Rufus to use the box!
So, my best friend got a top entry litter box for her cats and she loves it. I’m going to have to make that change… I have two boys that do not squat to pee, which drives me nuts, but such is life. When I take the tops off the boxes now to clean them out, there is pee in between the pieces and it drips from the lid. Just gross. Thank you for your thoughts on the different brands of boxes! Please meow to Avery that Samson and Chekov say hey! 🙂
Oh man that’s not fun at all. Avery used to pee on the side of his litter box back when he had a regular dome one and that wasn’t fun, but it would slide down into the litter so it wasn’t too bad – I can’t imagine pee dripping from the lid, ugh :(.
Hope Samson and Checkov like their new litter boxes! Btw, I love their names, and Avery give a slow blink “hello” right back 😉
My old fat lazy cat decided to start peeing very high up in the sides of his litter box and doing the other right outside the door… that’s when we made the switch to a top entry. I purchased the Petmate and really do like it for the most part. My cats have chewed the hook for the scoop unfortunately so that was a bummer and I’ve found it difficult to clean right under the entry hole. There is an indent in the bottom of the litter pan that comes up to you can carry it from the outside but my cats like to pee right in that spot, making the clean up a round that cylindrical raised bump frustrating at times. It does what it needs to though and, as you said, the price can not be beat. We have recently adopted another cat and in the event of this my older cat is now using the cheap side opening litter I got for the kitten and making a mess EVERYWHERE. Needless to say we are looking for another top entry again but our space is severely limited and I too hate the look of most of them. I think I’ll try out the one you are raving about, Thank you so much for this article.
This comment is amazing. I couldn’t help but laugh a little – not only at your description of your older cat, but also at the fact that you found the perfect system, they took to it, but still managed to drive you nuts by chewing the hook for the scoop and peeing in the most difficult spot to clean up physically possible – my goodness, cats! The upside I guess is you now know your cats will take to top entry boxes without having spent too much on your first (partially chewed) box.
Would love to know if the Modkat ends up doing the trick for you. I haven’t even had to change the liner yet since buying it, no show of wear or any sort of damage, so nothing could make me happier about the purchase. I really couldn’t stare at an ugly litter box all day, though, and I know I’m probably a little too biased toward “pretty” cat stuff, but it makes a huge difference to me. I think more pet companies need to get with the times – aesthetics matter a lot these days. Really hoping more reasonably priced attractive cat stuff starts showing up on the market – especially in the litter box & cat tree departments.
Oh and, thank *you* so much for leaving such an entertaining comment 😉
Hi Elise,
I have top entry boxes myself so was curious (as you guessed) to see which one you chose. I had not seen the Modcat box before. It is more square than the two I have. I have both the Petmate and Clevercat. I would be curious to try Modcat if it is big enough. i will have to look up the dimensions. My cats are all very large at 15-16 pounds and my Norwegian Forest Cat is very long! We are pretty sure that is what he is though all of them are rescues. I will have to see if the Modcat box is long enough for him.
I agree about the third box and Hello Kitty. I thought the same thing when I saw it in your post before I read what you wrote!
The Modkat is so much bigger than I expected it to be! That being said I’m absolutely terrible at visualizing sizing when I see something online! Almost always expect things to be smaller or bigger than they are.
Which do you think is better between the Petmate and the Clevercat? Or are they pretty much even. I’m very curious as I think when I have a house I’d love to try one (or both!) of these since they look really handy in how lightweight they are, and that oh-so-good price tag is enticing. Once I have a second cat, there’ll definitely be a need for more boxes.
I certainly think your cat will fit into the Modkat, Avery’s a very tall fellow and happily fits, but not sure how to find out for sure besides measuring and then trying. Let me know if you do end up getting it because if a Norwegian Forest Cat can happily fit in there, I daresay any cat will. Seems as though it’ll do, but you never really know do you?
Thanks so much for dropping by! 🙂