The other week, I accidentally stumbled across a neat cat toy even my lazy ol’ fella, Avery couldn’t resist.
It’s a toy mouse with an electronic squeak sound, that’s to me a touch reminiscent of Avery’s much-loved cat kick toy, the PetLinks Jeepers Creepers realistic rat – a toy he’s had since he was a kitten. Besides the superficial it-looks-like-a-real-mouse, it is a completely different kind of toy, both in the way it attracts his attention (with the electronic squeak!) and in the way he plays with it (he swats at it and will even pick it up and carry it off in his mouth rather than kick it).
Basically, I went a little (ok, a lot) crazy on my second order from ZooPlus since we moved to Portugal. You may have figured this out from my post about Avery getting his first cat tree and subsequent mention of how I’d bought two tall, inexpensive cat trees for the main rooms he hangs out in, plus a bunch of small cat trees to litter around the house in rooms he isn’t in as often.
Toy Mouse with Microchip Squeak and Catnip – / eBay
Yes, I’m mad, but (to me) there was good excuse for such an enormous haul. Basically, we’d had Avery with us in small spaces for ages, and though this has never been a problem for him, it meant that I’d pined over so much cute cat stuff for so long, while simultaneously mourning over the fact that if I tried to cram it all into our teeny studio apartment, we’d be overrun in a heartbeat. Less than a month into living in a house, there was no way I could resist buying him some things. Couple that with ZooPlus having so many excellent prices (here in Europe, it’s stupid hard finding good prices on pet products, you Americans don’t know how lucky you have it!), it was impossible to resist loading my cart.
I bought Avery his second cardboard cat scratcher in that order, a circular bed that he loves like mad, and also bought him the electronic sound cat toy I was talking about. Again, by pure accident – because it happened to be super cheap and also had so many positive ZooPlus reviews. I hoped it’d be well liked, but due to his track record with being the laziest cat on earth, I didn’t expect much from the purchase.
But he loved it. So stinkin’ much. I game with my brother (also a cat blogger over @ Pets Overload) nearly every night, and at least a few times while we’d be gaming, Avery would pick up the toy mouse and start playing by himself. I can’t explain how much of an accomplishment this is for Avery, who rarely ever engages even when I actively (& desperately) try getting him to play. It was a fricking miracle, though Avery’s playing drove John’s cat Beau a bit batty as he’d hectically look around for the toy he could hear through John’s speakers!
I’ve learned through my years as a pet parent to a very fickle cat that once you find a good thing, you should lean into it. Discover your cat likes feather toys? Get your hand on as many feather toy varieties as you can to try. Cat like balls? Grab different types of cat ball toys. Cat like both? Try finding those hybrid toys that have as many features as your cat likes in one toy. Needless to say, I was 100% going to be on the hunt for more electronic sound cat toys – squeaks, tweets, chirps; didn’t matter.
I actually can’t believe how many varieties I managed to find. I guessed there would be plenty of stuffed toy varieties of electronic sound cat toys out there, but wand, pole, and ball toys that have electronic squeaks and chirp sounds when your cat pokes and plays with them? Who knew! Now it’s time to get my hands on as many of these as I can find in Europe!
Electronic Squeak & Chirp Sound Cat Toys
1. Our Pets Mouse Hunter Play-N-Squeak Cat Toy
A lot of the electronic squeak and chrip cat toys listed in this article are actually Our Pets Play-N-Squeak branded. Even under this label, there are actually a lot of options to choose from, the most basic and (in my opinion) likely to be a huge hit being the small mouse electronic squeaking toys of the sort I grabbed for Avery.
If you ever decide to grab these and they turn out to be a huge hit with your cat, Our Pets also has a Twice the Mice squeak toy set, one mouse with a fabric tail, the other with a cute lil’ feather tail. Another electronic squeaking mouse variety by OurPets in case this type of toy really works out for your pet? OurPets Wee MouseHunter, which looks like it’s made out of a different textured fabric, and is a shade of grey rather than brown.
2. SmartyKat Chirpy Ball Electronic Sound Cat Toys
SmartyKat’s yet another brand that has a slew of electronic sound cat toys out there. Remember how I was saying if you ever find a type of toy your cat likes, you should try grabbing more varieties of the same sort of idea? Well if your cat’s at all a fan of ball toys, this is probably the perfect marriage of the two varieties. I can’t imagine a cat liking both ball toys and electronic chips or squeaks yet somehow turning down playtime with this baby.
If you’re looking for more ball and electronic cat toy hybrids, you may also want to check out the SmartyKat Chit Chatter. It’s a completely different type of ball, being more furry and having plenty for a cat to hold onto and maybe even kick. Touch activated chirp just like the Chirpy ball, however, so in my opinion they’d both work super well together for cats who are into anything round.
3. SmartyKat Chitter Catch Interactive and Wand Cat Toys
I actually didn’t have a clue feather wands that create chirping and squeaking noises electronically were a thing! If anything’s up high on my list of things to try to get Avery to engage in playtime now it’s absolutely these.
While toy wands are definitely not the kind of toy a cat can play with by him or herself, and thus, don’t work out for that amazing secondary use of being excellent toys you can leave out for cats while they’re home alone and you’re out or at work, for someone with a lazy cat like me, anything that will make playtime easier is a godsend. Thus, if these do the trick I will be nothing short of blissfully happy.
Alternatives to the SmartyKat Chitter Chatter wand include: the Our Pets Fly Over Wand, the Our Pets Tiger Teaser Play Wand, & the Our Pets Twinkle Teaser.
4. Our Pets Bunny Play-N-Squeak Backyard Cat Toy
I cannot believe how ridiculously cute this stuffed bunny looks nestled up snugly in the paws of a cat. Seriously makes me melt! I see so many reviews that claim this electronic squeak cat toy holds up really well over time and doesn’t tear. It does seem the OurPets RealMouse sound they put into their toys is pretty stinkin’ intriguing to cats. I’d bet if I got one of these for Avery, he’d spend the whole night poking it and carrying it across from rooms on one side of the house to the other. I wonder how loud the noise is and if I could easily sleep through if I didn’t completely close the door to the bedroom.
Ourpets Backyard series includes: Bird, Fox, Raccoon, Skunk, & Squirrel as well, so if the bunny isn’t your favourite animal of the bunch, you can easily give one of the others a shot!
5. SmartyKat Crick It Electronic Sound Cat Toys
If you’re looking for an electronic sound that’s different from a tweet or a squeak to mix things up, you may want to give SmartyKat’s Crick It a shot – for an artificial cricket sound.
Apparently, the SmartyKat Crick It is also a stuffed catnip toy, which is pretty great for cats who go bananas for the nip! SmartyKat has a few alternatives to the Crick It, which are the Chirp, the Feather Flock, the Flutter Nest, and the Hum Singer, so take a peek at all thir other options if you like the idea of this one.
6. OurPets Catty Whack Electronic Action Toy
The OurPets Catty Whack is a hide-and-seek or whack-a-mole style electronic interactive cat toy. It’s battery operated, so is yet another item on this list your cat can’t really play with at home all alone (unless you can train your cat to turn this thing on, which would be a pretty impressive feat!), but it’d be a great toy to throw on when you need to get playtime in for the day, but are too busy to actively play with kitty yourself.
The OurPets RealMouse sound is meant to attract your cat to this toy in a way most interactive, automatic cat toys wouldn’t be able to do. Not quite sure if it would work for Avery, but I definitely want to give it a try! Another RealMouse automatic toy in the OurPets lineup your cat might like? The Mouse in Pouch cat toy.
7. OurPets Fly Over Play-N-Squeak Real Birds Touch Down Interactive Cat Toy
The OurPets Real Birds series of cat toys are all adorable, catnip filled tweeting, squeaking, chirping little things whose only downside seem to be that your pet may take to them so much, the sound begins to get on your nerves.
While personally, I think I’d prefer grabbing a different toy from each series, if you happen to be a completionist and like the idea of owning a whole set, these cute, colourful looking birds may be the cat toys for you. Besides the Fly Over robin, OurPets has these awesome lookin’ fellas in their Real Birds cat toy set: Buzz Off, J-Bird, Knock-Knock, Pittsbird, & Touch Down.
8. Our Pets Batting Practice Interactive Cat Toy
Pretty sure this is the OurPets Hunter Play-N-Squeak Cat Toy from #1, but on a string and with a plastic attachment that can go atop a window or door. I love this idea, and since Avery’s usually pretty gentle with his toys, would definitely entertain using this as a home alone cat toy – after watching him with it to make sure he isn’t too aggressive with it for some time at least.
Even if you only ever pull it out in the evenings when you’re home, I think this cat toy really has enormous benefits. It seems to be the equivalent of a battery operated automated cat toy in terms of interest for some cats, which is amazing for days when you would love to play with kitty, but just can’t find the time. Do your chores while keeping an eye on your cat playing with this dangle toy, and all’s well in the world.
9. OurPets Ball of Fury Play-N-Squeak Cat Toy
Yet another toy I believe is based on the OurPets Hunter Play-N-Squeak from #1. A little ball surrounding the mouse makes this interactive, squeaking mouse cat toy a ball toy hybrid, and one that looks quite engaging. If anything’s likely to get Avery into ball toys (besides if they’re made out of wool – he loves using up his energy kicking dryer balls after all!), it seems to me it’s one of these.
Petlinks also makes a bird version of this electronic sound cat toy – the Bird-Sound Chase ball-surrounded chirping bird toy. Our Pets also has a Bird in a Cage Electronic Spin Cat Toy that looks along the same sort of lines as these toys, but different.
10. Petlinks Sweet Tweet Electronic Sound Cat Toy
Again, if you’re a completionist who loves the idea of owning a full collection – but if those Real Birds by OurPets weren’t cute enough to make you want to own ’em all, you may want to try grabbing this entire bird-themed realistic bird sound cat toy collection. Besides the Sweet Tweet, Petlinks also has the Parrot Tweet, the Rowdy Rooster, and the Tweet Thing. To top it off, they’re all pretty unique in terms of what they’d be like for a cat to play with, one featuring a crinkle ball and thin stick, one that’s more like a cat kick toy, and the last like a catnip toy with a feather tail. In terms of variety and interesting features in a very small set of toys, this one’s pretty great.
11. Petlinks Busy Body Garden Flower Sack Crinkle Hideout Cat Toy
I really didn’t think I’d find a little hideaway mat to feature on a list like this. Boy was I wrong. For cats who love SnugglyCat’s The Ripple Rug, but need something in another room, or another corner, and who also happen to love electronic, play-activated bird sounds and crinkle noises, this is probably another level of fun.
12. PetDroid Boltz Robotic Moving Automatic Mouse Cat Toy
Really need to add this to my list of remote control mouse toys. While it’s not remote controlled, it is an electronic, battery operated mouse that rolls around on wheels, moving by itself – which actually may work out even better for pet parents who want another automatic cat toy to pull out when they’re too busy for playtime in their arsenal. It’s got an electronic mouse sound and some pretty good looking reviews to back it up. Worth a shot in my books.
Does Your Cat Like Toys with Electronic Sounds?
Does your cat like toys that make squeaks, chirps, tweets, or any other type of sound electronically when it’s poked and played with? If you’ve never tried any out, do you think your cat might like them?
If you have tested some of these types of cat toys out – which, and what did your cat think? Are there any you would recommend, or advise other pet parents to stay away from?
Looking forward to hearing about your experiences in the comments down below!
Megan says
My cat loves these kinds of toys.
Elise Xavier says
I can’t believe I hadn’t tried them before, really! Avery’s still loving his 🙂