I’m pretty biased toward cat furniture that’s durable and can last a pretty long time over pieces that fall apart within a year or two. Even if the longer-lasting cat furniture is more expensive than two, or sometimes even three, less durable pieces, there’s just something about replacing cat furniture over and over that rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it’s that it feels wasteful? I hate replacing human furniture just as much. But that could be down to hating when something I like breaks or becomes unusable – like for instance, having to replace my favourite clothing items when they’re no longer in good condition.
With the cat furniture, part of the appeal of more durable pieces is definitely that they’re typically more sturdy and physically stable as well as durable. And for some reason, aesthetically, they always appeal more to me. Take for instance the Refined Feline Lotus Cat Tree. It’s expensive. It’s durable, yes, but seeing as how you can get 3-4 inexpensive cat trees for the price of just this one, is it technically worth the price? Possibly not if you’re just trying to get the best bang for your buck when it comes to buying cat trees over time – yet there’s something about the way that piece looks that makes it about way more than just value – it’s beautiful, sleek, and would be lovely to look at in any home, as are a lot of cat scratch posts, trees, and towers made out of real wood. There’s just something nice about them.
WARE Wood Angled Sisal Cat Scratcher Pad – Amazon / eBay
And while yes, solid wood scratching posts and scratch towers do sometimes wear out, they’re not beyond hope even when their outer shells are used to shreds. The base is always strong and solid and still good and visually nice enough to keep using, so you can technically just keep removing the shredded parts – since they’re almost always simply the sisal rope bits – and hot gluing on new sisal rope wraps and possibly re-covering the carpeting. Not a full DIY, but I guess to me it’s the equivalent of sewing up the seams when your favourite jackets get a hole or two in ’em. I just love the idea of the things I love getting a second life and being able to be continuously used over decades.
You may like real wood cat furniture for completely different and more practical reasons. If you have a cat who’s either large, overweight, or aggressive with his or her scratch posts, or if you have a few different cats who like to all be on the same scratch furniture at once, whatever you buy needs to be as sturdy as physically possible to be able to go through such “abuse” and live to tell the tale. You may just like the idea of using natural materials. But whatever the explanation why – there is quite a lot about solid wood cat scratch posts and scratcher trees that makes them pretty great investments, albeit the often very high price when compared to cat furniture made out of man-made materials and composites.
I’ve split up the article into three sections: the first on solid wood scratching posts, the second that showcases cat scratchers that have natural wood ingrained in their design, and the last on mostly small cat trees that have scratchers integrated into them so you can use them as a replacement for a scratcher and a cat tree since they’re very good at both tasks. Looking for larger solid wood cat trees? My recommendations are here. Again, none of these products are dirt cheap considering they’re made of actual wood (though some are a really, really excellently priced), but I prefer products like these personally, so I’m happy they’re an option that’s available. Without further ado..
Real Wood Scratching Posts
1. WARE DOG/CAT Angled Sisal Scratcher Pad
I used to have this particular cat scratching post for Avery back in Canada. He was a stray who’d visit our backyard, and when we decided to keep him, we dropped him off at the vet’s for a couple days, in the meantime going shopping for a few staples at PetSmart since we had no cats before him. This was there for him when he arrived home from the vet, and it lasted for years later, and we even passed it down in very good condition to his cousin when we moved to the UK with Avery and so couldn’t take it with us. His cousin Walker still uses this scratching post to this day, and I actually think before it, Walker refused to touch his old scratcher. There’s something, not only about the sturdiness, but about the slope of the post that makes cats really seem to take to this one. Would have immediately bought it here in the UK if I could get my hands on it for a somewhat reasonable price like I did in Canada. Been such a great investment this one.
2. Max and Marlow 26 in. Sisal Scratch Post
Made of sisal fiber, wood, and fabric, this Max and Marlow scratch post is an excellent option for a bare bones simple-yet-does-the-job cat scratch post. I think it’s probably a good height even for taller cats, a lot of reviewers point out just how solid it is, and that they were looking for a solid scratch post for ages before landing on this one. There’s not much to dislike about it besides the few odd reviews I’ve seen about the base not breaking off, but it looks like those are dud products and should be sent back to be replaced to me. Most seem to handle the aggression of even two cats at a time without flinching, so if durability, stability, and affordability are high up on your list, this may be the best way to go.
3. New Cat Condos Premier Round Multi Scratcher
This is one cat scratcher I’d find it hard to resist buying if it was actually affordable here in the UK. I didn’t include it in the scratch post cat tree section, but it’s almost got enough features to place it in that category to me. One arm of exposed wood, one arm wrapped in sisal, and the last wrapped in carpeting? This thing looks like a dream for cats who like to scratch up different textures. And a little place to nap to literally top it all off? I think this would probably be my first choice for Avery.
A cool variation of this cat scratcher that’s more square for those of you who prefer that type of design exists here.
4. Molly and Friends Bed On Top Of A 27″ Sisal Wrapped Scratching Post
In case you’re looking for durability, but also really like the idea of having your scratching post be a little place for your cat to sleep and rest in as well, this Molly and Friends post fits the bill. At first glance, the top bed portion may appear a little too small for your cat, but if you take a look at some of the reviews, it becomes fairly obvious how big that thing really is. Two cats can easily fit into it for an afternoon nap, so if you have cats who like to snuggle, this could definitely be the way to go.
5. Molly and Friends 20″ Horizontal Sisal Wrapped Scratching Post with Carpeted End-Pieces
I feel like cats enjoy scratching at different angles, and this is one that’s really rarely seen – a horizontal post in line that hovers over yet in line with the floor. Pretty cool if you ask me and something I’d love to give a shot. If you’ve ever tried out scratching posts that are this angle – parallel to the ground – let me know how your cat liked them below in the comments. Would love to hear your experiences!
6. New Cat Condos Premier Tilted Scratching Post
Speaking of scratching at different angles, this New Cat Condos tilted scratching posts is yet another – not quite the approximately 60 degree angle like the WARE scratch post I used to have, but not even close to parallel with the ground like in the Molly and Friends Horizontal Scratching Post either. I think I’d definitely test this one out with Avery, as he always loves to get a good stretch in while he scratches, and this looks like a great angle to get a unique sort of stretch out of.
7. New Cat Condos Premier Solid Wood Scratching Post
Your standard solid wood scratch post, with an angular twist. I don’t think I’ve seen all that many square scratching posts before. I really wonder if it’s something cats would prefer since it may be a little easier for them to grab and hold firm onto the corners. Even if it’s not all that different to them in terms of sensation, these look pretty interesting and unique compared to the run of the mill round scratching posts. Neat!
Natural Wood Cat Scratchers
1. SmartyKat Scratch Sisal Scratcher
Need a product that doesn’t take up a massive amount of space, is easy to transfer from one room to the next, or even stash away in a closet when company comes over? Natural wood scratchers like this one may be up your alley. This SmartyKat Sisal Scratcher seems to have quite a good reputation, and even comes in a Scroll wave shape as well as this standard tilted one. Made of plywood that’s fairly durable, and considering you can grab two for the price of one standard scratching post, I daresay it’s ridiculously good value for the cost.
2. KATRIS Lynks Modular Cat Scratcher – 2 Pack, Real Teak Wood Cover
I love the aesthetic of KATRIS pet furniture. It’s really beautiful, and if you’re interested in wood scratchers for the pretty final look, this is one of those modern, sleek designs I don’t know if it’s possible to resist. Definitely the type of scratcher that would double as a cat bed. I reckon if you’ve got two cats, they’d fight over who got to sit in it. Luckily, these scratchers come in sets of 2.
3. Feline Innovations The QuickSnap Replaceable Cat Scratcher
Speaking of scratchers cats can take naps in – have you ever seen a cat scratcher with a hammock? Now you have! This thing is so ridiculously cute, being an arch with a little cat napping station right below it. Looks fun for cats to stand on top of, sleep beneath, and looks visually ever-so-interesting for those of us humans who like cool things to look at day-to-day. The wood’s over half an inch thick, and the sisal section can be removed so snap-on replacements can be added once the originals have worn down. Wish more cat furniture was this well thought out!
Solid Wood Scratching Post Cat Trees
1. CozyCatFurniture USA Made Wood Cat Scratching Post Bed
Just barely qualifies as a small cat tree to me, but considering it’s main feature is definitely the scratching post, this would definitely work as a complete replacement for having a scratching post in the room you’d like to keep it in. I do find that cats typically scratch furniture up in rooms where there is nothing meant for them to scratch, so if you can have some sort of scratcher, scratch post, or mini cat tree in each room your cat frequents, I do find it’s helpful for saving furniture, and while it can be ridiculously expensive trying to do this in a large house, grabbing small scratch cat trees like this one definitely make things a lot easier on your budget. Especially since it’s so easy to move around from room to room if your cat happens to switch things up regularly.
As a heads up, New Cat Condos also make a version of this cat tree that’s solid wood as well, just in case one or the other suits your needs better.
2. Molly and Friends Two-Tier Scratching Post Furniture
Molly and Friends make a wide range of excellent, high quality activity trees, cat houses/condos, and scratching posts, so you may want to take a look at their full collection if you like their aesthetic and are comfortable with their pricing. I’m not 100% sure because I haven’t checked every single listing, but I think each design of theirs is made of solid wood. I found it really hard to choose just one cat tree of theirs to feature, since they have so many nice ones. I suppose it will come down to the one you think your cat will enjoy, and the size you think works best in your space.
3. New Cat Condos Premier Triple Cat Perch
Like Molly and Friends, New Cat Condo makes a crazy large range of excellent, high quality cat furniture. In terms of diversity of offerings, I think New Cat Condos probably has the edge. Besides this really cool triple tier cat perch that’s perfect if you have multiple cats who all like to pile on one piece for a nap at once, they have the Round Multi Scratcher mentioned earlier in the scratching posts list, and a bunch of different, tall cat trees that are amazing for scratching, like the next item up on this list.
4. New Cat Condos Deluxe Kitty Pad
Look at this thing. It could satisfy an entire household of cats who like to snuggle together in perches, who are hyper aggressive with their scratchers, it can handle large cats, small cats, skinny cats, and overweight cats. Solid wood with one really large sisal wrap scratching section down one side, it’s hard to imagine any cat not loving this one. I really do feel like I could go on listing New Cat Condos products for a dozen more products as so many look amazing, but I won’t. If you’d like to browse through more of their options to see if a different one from them is the right one for you, check through their entire catalog here.
Petlinks Jeepers Creepers Catnip Rat Toy – Amazon / Chewy
Do You Prefer Real Wood Cat Scratch Furniture?
Do you have a preference in terms of materials when it comes to cat scratch furniture, or really any cat furniture in general?
If yes, what’s the reasoning behind your preference? Is it the fact that durability is of utmost importance to you? Because you prefer to buy products that have more natural materials? Does it have to do with the physical stability and sturdiness of natural wood? The aesthetic? A combination of a few different reasons?
Have you ever bought a piece of cat furniture made of solid wood? How long did it last? What about in comparison to other pet furniture?
Any other thoughts on wood scratch posts or wood cat furniture in general? Would love to hear what you think down in the comments below!
We created our own scratching post, from an abandoned carpet tube roll (well, it was next to the carpet store dumpster!) and sisal rope. Chucky was a long cat, and we made our post about five feet high. Now Manny and Chili Bruce stretch themselves way up to scratch, then dig their claws in and jump up to the top! I like the idea of wood, but haven’t found anything that I like enough to spend money on…
Boy is that tall, no wonder they love it! Very good idea using just carpet tube roll and sisal!