I have a snuggly little house cat who quite frequently sits in my lap as long as I am still enough for him to be content to do so. I don’t feel he’s particularly any more attentive when I’m sick or sad, but I’ve heard of quite a lot of cats who are more sensitive to their owners and who seem to go so far as to keep close tabs on them, bringing them company and companionship most when they are under the weather, have a long-term illness, or even psychologically upset or unwell.
This is definitely not a topic that’s been studied all that thoroughly, yet there does seem to be something to the idea that cats can read human emotion, changes in our behaviour, and intuit mood and overall happiness or sadness from them. Thus, it’s not a stretch to think that when our cats trail us around the house, sitting and sleeping next to or even on top of us when we are upset or sick, that they at least partially realize what they are doing and are purposefully trying to bring us comfort.
I’ll get into the little science I found first, then discuss things a bit more with you. Once you’re done reading, please do take a moment and stop by the comments section. I’d love to hear any and all experiences you’ve had related to the topic of cats understanding human emotion, cats knowing when humans are sick, and cats providing comfort for sick or upset pet owners. I’m sure a lot of other cat owners would also love to hear your stories and opinions, so do take a few minutes to share!

The (Little) Science Related to Cats Comforting Their Owners
I really wish I found more studies around or even mildly related to this topic. I’m sure at least a few more exist, I just couldn’t seem to dig well enough to find them. Either way, here’s the single study I’ve managed to uncover – related to cats reading human emotion – what I think it says about cats noticing when owners are sick, ill, or even sad, and what that can say about them comforting us.
A Study on Cats Reading Human Emotion
The study “Man’s other best friend: domestic cats (F. silvestris catus) and their discrimination of human emotion cues” by Galvan and Vonk tested whether cats could read facial and body-language cues related to posture – those that depicted happiness and anger – in their owners. The study then went on to test whether cats were able to interpret vocal cues of human emotion, through having the owners pretend to be happy or angry with another human (the experimenter) in a positively or negatively charged conversation.
Upon analyzing the behaviours of the cats in their study, the researchers concluded, “Domestic cats were only modestly sensitive to emotion, particularly when displayed by their owner, suggesting that a history of human interaction alone may not be sufficient to shape such abilities in domestic cats.”
Now, to my knowledge (because I can’t get access to the full study and had to go based on what other articles online were saying about it), only 12 cats were studied, and it’s not necessarily true that the conclusions the researchers made based on their study were accurate. Maybe their experiment was flawed, that it wasn’t the best way to study the topic at hand, and maybe a different conclusion would’ve been arrived at with a different experiment on the topic, or using different cats.
Obviously, there is absolutely no way this one small study tells us everything we need to know about cats and their ability to interpret human emotion. But at the same time it does tell us that cats do at least have the capacity to be modestly sensitive to our way of showcasing emotion.
If cats can interpret our emotion and understand when we are happy or unhappy/angry, even if it’s pretty badly, it wouldn’t be a stretch to think they may choose to comfort us if/when they realize there is something wrong.

My Thoughts on Cats Comforting Humans When They’re Sick
I’d say that some cats are likely to be better than others at reading human beings. Those that interact one-on-one with humans more frequently (like indoor cats, or cats that get a lot of cuddles, affection, and attention from humans in general), I believe are more likely to develop a sense of when their particular humans are feeling positively or negatively.
I’d say that some cats are likely to be better than others at reading human beings. Those that interact one-on-one with humans more frequently (like indoor cats, or cats that get a lot of cuddles, affection, and attention from humans in general), I believe are more likely to develop a sense of when their particular humans are feeling positively or negatively.
I do think it’s hard for cats to interpret human emotions. I don’t think it’s something that comes ever-so-naturally to them, but I think many of them become good, if not at interpreting facial expressions (I think my cat Avery could never do this, actually), at the very least at interpreting really exaggerated obvious physical behaviour.
I think it’d be crazy to say a cat wouldn’t know that a human raising his or her voice was a sign that that human was having a negative emotion. I think cats understand that aggressive behaviours like straightening posture to look bigger, stomping feet, things we do when we are mad naturally, are a sign we’re displeased.
I don’t necessarily think they need to be able to interpret human facial expressions to be able to know we’re upset. And if they’re able to interpret other body language or behaviour (like us being physically slower, moving around less than usual, spending a lot of time in bed) as signs that we were not at our best, that’s plenty enough understanding in my head to be able to use that knowledge of our mood to comfort us with cuddles, snuggles, purring, and love.
I think some cats are a lot better at this than others. My cat, for instance, isn’t particularly good at interpreting when I’m upset, unhappy, feeling unwell, or sad. I think he comes to me for cuddles and love whenever I’m still enough for him to sit in my lap anyway, and he does this about the same frequency when I am happy as when I am sick or sad.
I do think some cats are different, however, and that some cats are both particularly good at intuiting human emotion, and much more readily giving of comfort, cuddles, and love when it happens. I think human beings have different emotional IQ, and I honestly would be shocked if that wasn’t true of animals, too.
Maybe cats know if we’re sick, maybe they don’t. Maybe they can smell changes in our bodies, maybe they can read our facial expressions. Maybe they can’t, but they can read our body language and can tell that things are wrong with us based on us rubbing our foreheads, holding our stomachs, maybe they just know something is different today because Daddy usually wakes up at the crack of dawn and it’s already noon.
Maybe cats don’t comfort us, they just like sitting and snuggling more when we’re still and calm than when we’re up and at it, moving around a lot, being our usual happy, peppy selves. Maybe they get it, and it’s obvious because their behaviour is different on happy rainy, snuggly Saturdays, and unhappy, sunny sick days off work.
I think it’s really all up in the air, and it really can vary from cat to cat. My snuggle bug – absolutely doesn’t have the emotional IQ of a lot of cats I know and have heard of. Maybe yours does.
Maybe being comforted by a cat is something common, maybe cats who do it are special. We’ll never know until it’s studied, but I do think it’s incredibly likely there’s more to a cat’s ability in this apartment than we think.

Your Experiences with Cats Comforting Owners?
Have you ever had a cat who comforted you when you were sick, unhappy, or unwell? Have you had multiple cats? Did all of them do this?
What form of comfort did you get? Did your cat sit next to you? On you? Sleep with you the whole day? Provide soothing purrs? Give you love licks & bites?
Have you any theories on whether some cats can read human emotion better than others? Have you any experience in this department with particular cats being better or worse than others at interpreting humans?
I would really love to hear what you have to say in the comments down below!
I have MS , we’ve had our cat for 9 yrs now and I can count in one hand the number of times she’s sat on my lap but if I’m ill she sits on top of me my back head tummy hop knees it can’t be comfortable ( she weighs a ton or so it feels ) Ivan have a lie in and NO CAT but if I’m ill “ hi mum I’ll just keep you company “
But I think it’s more than that honestly I don’t believe she can cure me don’t worry but I do feel as if she’s passing on some goodness it may a couple of hours or a couple of days , she’ll nip out and straight back … no on tells her I’m I’ll she just knows
I having hart trubble and my cat minne stays by me all the time. Ihave to go in to hart sergery and she will not live my side
I have been sick the last three days and my cat has cuddled next to me the whole time. He usually does not like to cuddle next to me, but will sometimes lay at the end of the bed. I find it very interesting how he has to be physically touching me or very close to it.
I had a Siamese cat, Machu, who was always very dignified but one day I heard him howling downstairs like he was in horrible pain. I ran down to check and he seemed fine. Suddenly, I saw the other cat, Tigger, next to him, under the table, who had actually injured his leg but that cat was silent. Machu was alerting us that Tigger was injured. We took him to the vet promptly. My current cat, Felix, is a bit neurotic (any negative change causes him to stop pooping & peeing, leading to a vet visit) but also very sensitive. When I returned from Mexico years ago with a bad virus I was in bed for a couple days barely able to get up. Every time I opened my eyes, however, there was Felix just standing there watching over me. Now that my granddaughter is living with me, he rushes to her side every time she cries and lays against her and comforts her until she calms down. He can be a bit of a jerk at times (like he swats you in the face if you don’t feed him fast enough) but he is a sensitive sweetheart when it matters (okay – I give him a little more leeway than I would a human male).
I have had my kitty since he was a just a wee baby. He is now 3 years old. He was supposed to be my daughter’s cat, but he bonded with me. A few weeks ago I got sick with acute bronchitis. It hit me hard and I think kitty baby(yep..that’s his name..lol) knew. He stuck by me the whole time. He either skept with me, across from me on the the dresser, or in the floor next to my side of the bed. When I would get up he followed me wherever I went. And, although, I am still recovering, he refuses to leave my side unless he wants out. Funny thing is, I was never a cat person. Give me a big dog any day of the week. But my kitty baby and I just seemed to click the second I picked him up❤❤
My cat Luna is a korat cat she is 1 1/2 years old she used to sleep with me and my fiancé when she was a baby but as she got older started sleeping on her tree. Plus I move a lot in my sleep so I understand why she slept there, Its been a week since my fiancé left for rehab and I’m being evicted with two weeks to find a place by myself for the last week I have been miserable and crying nonstop my little Luna has slept with me every single night since my fiancé has left and follows me around, if it wasn’t for my Luna I don’t know how I would push through this difficult time. ❤️
I came here looking for concrete studies (and I’m just as disappointed at the apparent lack there of) because I’m home from work with food poisoning. And my cats definately know! I used to do rescues and when I stopped I kept my last four babies. I was there for the birth of each of them and was one of the first humans they ever met. Two I even “kitten carried” ( rejected by mother and bottle fed and kept strapped to my chest for warmth through their first few weeks). And it might be because of that literal life long bond that they are so perceptive. But they’ve also been able to pull me out of ptsd related panic attacks, prevented self harm, woken me up when I overslept, and even once alerted me when my friend stopped breathing in their sleep. While there isn’t anything more than anecdotal data to my experiences, I’ve had enough of them that I have to believe they know what they’re doing. They’re my lifeline as much as I’m theirs <3
My Mandalay cat Maxi is extremely aware. A month after I brought him home at three months old, I had a severe shoulder injury and surgery. He slept at the end of my bed, but when I woke in pain but made no sound he would stir and come and rest on my chest. After 30 minutes, he’d figure that I was settled down and return to the end of my bed. He has the most expressive face of any cat I have ever known. He farewells me outside the front door when I leave for work, and is on the footpath to greet me when I return. He loves visitors and charms them all. Now at 3 1/2 years old he sleeps under the covers and puts me to sleep when I am restless.
My cat Walle has never been the demonstrative type he likes to be fussed on his own terms, however when I lost my much loved Mom last year he took to sleeping on the bed. I sometimes would wake up to him being under the duvet by my back.
He has continued this now he either pops up when I’m reading or comes up just when I’m about to fall asleep.
I have a 1 and a half year old pure black oriental mix named Mariah. She is very sweet most of the time with that typical, oriental attitude other times. Lol…. Mariah typically sleeps next to me with my beagle. I recently came down sick to the point where I was bed ridden for days. Mariah would sleep on my chest and whenever i would go to use the bathroom she would sit at the door and cry or should I say ” scream ” that oriental loud baby type cry.
I think my cat knows before me I am sick. Here’s why. Before I knew I was pregnant she wouldn’t leave my side. I had a horrible pregnancy. I didn’t have enough blood and was told I may not survive the delivery. It didn’t matter how she laid on me. She would be uncomfortable just to be close. Today I am having more blood issues. The other day my BF was arguing with me. She kept trying to get my attention. She finally bite me while arguing with him. I stopped arguing to paying attention to her. When I did take a minute I felt like I was going to pass out. She isn’t an overly lovable cat. Infact she prefers to be alone. So anytime she starts her with her overly concerned behavior, I immediately know something isn’t right. I am her human. She doesn’t like people, but loves me. I’ve had her for 15 years. We’ve been through deaths together, illness, happy and sad times. She acts appropriately to all the events.
When I had the flu kinda hard, and I was lying in bed, my cat jumped on my pillow and sat there and stared at me in such a loving, parental look. Like he was saying, “I’m right here for you. Any predator who wants to get you will have to go through me first.” Cats do feel and show love, only in their own way.
And there was another time when my smaller cat was sick, and she slept with her white head on the bigger cat’s black rear end. He didn’t move all night. In the morning, I found them in the same position, although he normally would get up in the night to the food bowl and water bowl.
And another time when my smaller cat had sprayed her paw, and she screamed a blood-curdling scream, and the bigger cat ran to her and sniffed her nose, like he was worried about her.
Cats aren’t as selfish as people think.
A few mins before I knew my self something was wrong my cat and dog came to me acting strange and then comes chest pains I knew what was happening because I been having some problems a few days before I was having a heart attack the dog got real close my cat stud up and was all in my face checking on me they knew right away something was wrong
I’m pregnant, in my first trimester and experiencing severe nausea. My cat who I’m very close to and have a special bond with has acted like my little nurse the entire time, she never leaves my side (usually very independent and only wants cuddles at bed time). Every time I’m going through an intense period of nausea shes there comforting me and being overly affectionate (more than usual). She’ll lay with me through the entire time, only moving to the end of the bed while I vomit. Then she’ll go back to laying on my chest and sniffing me which I believe is her checking I’m okay, and then gives me lots of head bumps and smooches. When I wasn’t pregnant she was always on the go, exploring, getting into things, now she just wants to stay with me and look after me. I love her so much and have looked after her when she was sick too. 🙂
Hi — I’ve enjoyed this article and everyone’s stories. I googled this topic as I sit here on day #3 of having a flu-bug in my chest. My cat, Richard Parker, has literally parked himself next to me this entire time, only leaving to eat and go outside (he won’t use a litter box so he’s kind like a dog in needing to go outside lol). Anyway, even my husband and sons are marveling how attentive this adorable cat has been towards me. Typically, my other cat, Nicki, is the one who pays attention to me every day and Richard Parker seems aloof. However, he has made it known to Nicki that he’s got this and she’s not coming around me. As I type, Richard Parker is curled up right near my rib cage, sound asleep. I know he knows I’m not well and I’m thankful for his protecting me. 🙂
I sometimes suffer from paralyzing panic attacks. I had a cat named Turbo. Every time I would have a panic attack, or beginning to go down “the hole”, as I called it, he would make every effort to lay on my back and purr loudly and incessantly until it passed. As soon as I was out of it, he would go about his business
I can tell you a lot of the theories are wrong my cat remembers me, I had to leave her with some people I hardly knew for a couple weeks. when I came to get her she knew I was hers, she came out and as voiceterous as a Siamese is… gave me a piece of her mind. I moved to a whole new apartment so she doesn’t know the apartment and all of my stuff has been stolen, well I’ve been through a bad situation this year so none of the stuff is recognizable to her. I got her back she came right to me and sat on my lap and would not move. last night I came home sick she’s been sleeping on top of me the whole night. She keeps checking on me and she won’t really leave my side. She still lets me know what she wants, and would let you pet sher for 24 hours if you would but it’s different. She is very aware that I am hers. So the people saying that they don’t remember or or they’re not as feeling as other animals are wrong. She definitely knew and knows who I am. he wouldn’t come to anybody else and I’ve been gone for about 6 weeks. She came right to me. she’s about eight years old, I’ve had her for about 4 and 1/2 5 years now. I was gone for about six weeks she was living at a house with other cats. she would hardly come out of the closet. She did not know them, she wouldn’t come to them; me she came right away, she hasn’t left me since. I’m today not feeling well and she’s right here with me.
The reason that I searched this is because, last night, I had a bit too much to drink. When I went to bed, my cat accompanied me all night long and laid right up against me. She is very affectionate at times but you’re the one who has to approach her. But last night was different. She came to me and would not let me out of her sight. She followed me to the bathroom and back to my bed again. When I woke up this morning, she was still there right beside me.
Agreeing with a general theme that it could be difficult to verify via research methodology, but much easier to verify through personal experience.
It seems the longest consecutive time that my cat sat with me and made sure she was in constant contact with me (even if by touching with a paw) was during a time of recovering from illness.
Two of the people closest to me also told me detailed stories about cats seeming most attentive to them when recovering from illness/injury, more so than ordinary “calm” times of resting/napping.
It may be too much personification to say the cats were displaying their caring/concern for their human friends, but, intuitively, the experience felt that way.
Illness and injury can lead to feeling isolated, and a “caring” cat made the difference.
I have had cats for over 50 years. Usually multi-households of 2 or up to 10 at a time. I’ve had a chance to interact with them extensively. They can just look at me & I sense what they are saying (or visa versa). The same thing with dogs we’ve owned. I’ve had strong bonds with all our family companions & they with us. There is mutual love, understanding & respect on both ends. Yes, our fur babies are sensitive to our moods. Our dogs used to “know” my sister was in a bad mood before she opened the door (they would listen, put their ears back & slink behind the couch or try to snuggle up to me for comfort/protection. She never hurt them but they must’ve sensed her energy/aura? Between my 2 sisters & I we currently have ten cats in our multi dwelling home, love them all. Our cats definitely pick-up on folks with “bad” moods, you can tell by the way they act (a nervous, shaky, must disappear). Otherwise the cats are calm, affectionate & engaging when we are in a loving, happy place. When I am not feeling well my cats do try to comfort me. Even when I am just chilling they like being by me & sleeping with me at night. I cannot imagine a life without them & I have trouble sleeping if there are NO cats around me. I love all cats (both sexes), but Siamese & Siamese-mixes are my favorites. I volunteer with my local no-kill cat rescue group & have gained an even greater appreciation for cats and their plight, especially seniors & ferals. I even share my home with three ferals whose trust I earned. All our cats are indoor only, fixed & micro-chipped.
I have always had Siamese cats, and they definitely feel emotions. I broke my arm 2 years ago, and my
Cat would not leave my side. In fact, the 1st couple of weeks, the Physical Therapist came to my home.
She had me lie down on my bed while she was manipulating my arm. My cat got up on my bed and
stared at her until she left. He knows when I am going out somewhere and pouts, giving me sad looks.
I actually just posted pictures on Facebook of my kitty keeping vigil over me everyday as I have been sick recently. My fiance and I just adopted a grey tuxedo cat from a shelter about two months ago. Our Miles practically choose me to be his new mom while we were at the shelter following me around a room and then jumping into my arms and getting upset if I put him down. The next day when we came back to the shelter to pick him up to bring him home with us, he jumped into my arms again and when I had to put him down and other cats would come over and demand my attention he would put his paws over my hands seemingly trying to get me to stop petting them. He knew I was his mom.
He has always been a cuddly guy especially with me since I brought him home but still chooses at times to have his “alone time”. These past two weeks or so however, I have been battling one of the worst chest infections I have ever had and there have been many days he has only left my side to eat or use his litter box. In bouts of serious coughing he would lay on my chest until it calmed or if he were already there and I started coughing again he would always perk his little head up and stare at me until it stopped. As I have started to get better I have noticed he is a little more distanced at times almost like he is giving me more space and instead of being on top of me will be laying next to me in bed or keeping vigil on the back of the couch. Moments when I am actually feeling more like myself he may actually go play with his toys for a few minutes but always the toys in the same room as me (usually he plays with his toys wherever) and when he notices I am coughing a lot or more symptomatic he stops playing looks in my direction and may come over to me and in moments where I am still really symptomatic he is right back in my lap or napping on my chest giving me hugs (his front legs actually up around my neck as he lays there) or little love bites on my chin. He is currently snuggled up giving hugs on my chest right now after a fit of coughs all snuggled under my chin. I have to believe with all that he has shown me that my big boy understands and is trying to help.
I die – that bit about putting his paws on your hands to try to get you to stop petting them. Soooo cute & sweet.
Yes, it sounds to me like he really does know what’s going on. What a wonderful sidekick! You have an absolutely amazing kitty there, cherish is 100% the right sentiment.
Hey Elise,
I stumbled upon your bog while searching for the exact topic and whether or not it has been backed up by science. I believe that for sure, animals sense something’s up.
I grew up in the household with pets and they always “comfort” you when you are feeling under the weather, at least that’s the experience I had.
My cousin suffered from bad migraine attacks and her cat was always close to her before, during and in the aftermath of those. Same when her or me had abdominal pain, menstrual cramps or something else, the cat(s) somehow always gravitated towards our lap.
I believe there were some discussion about cat purrs and beneficial vibration from it, that even helps heal tissue and bones faster, hence cats purr when they are sick and in pain as well, not just when happy and content.
Currently, I am in bed with bad cold and sniffles and my gorgeous tabby male Poe sleeps faithfully, stretched on top of me. He sleeps on a blanket on our bed, on top of me or my boyfriend every night.
Even though this is kinda his usual behaviour, I still believe he knows something is different.
My little cuddle-bug makes all the pain and discomfort disappear.
Based on my experience, I do feel some cats are more intuitive about this than others. I think some cats are just ridiculously good at reading human emotion compared to others – I’d so love for a study to be done on that!
Enjoy your cuddle bug and all the comfort he brings; we’re so lucky to have snugglers like them 😉
I’ve grown up with a lot a cats through my childhood but never had my own as an adult until 18 months ago. A beautiful male Grey Tonkinese (a relatively new breed derived from the Siamese and Burmese) called Foggy. He’s usually such a sprightly cat and loves going outdoors, however I’ve been bedridden for the last 3 days with tonsillitis and he’s hardly left my side, leaving only for food and when nature calls and then he’s straight back! I’ve never experienced this with any other cat, I really do think he sees me as his cat mum and I’m the definite favourite of the household!
Anyway, he definitely knows something is up as he’s usually hardly in the house in the day, but I’m not going to start complaining, his snuggles are magical!
It sounds like you have a ridiculously close connection – what a cat!
My cats are all adopted or not originally from my home I’ve had them a while but these past two days I was bedridden with a throat infection and fever and all of my cats (and dogs) would stay with me when they could. Even my sweet tortoise shell calico has been by my side 24/7. Even my all black cat that came from an abusive home has shown me more affection. He’s laying on my chest as I type this (which is what led me to this article). Maybe I’m too much of a cat person but I have always felt that my cats can read and understand my emotions better than most people can.
I think all my animals knew that I was sick and they all decided they would hang out until I was better. I guess I’d just like to know why?
I have no idea, but if I had to guess, I’d say your pets probably have a very strong emotional connection to you.
Who knows, maybe they can’t tell we’re sick at all, and they just love to be around us physically when we happen to take time to slow down and aren’t living our lives as fast paced as we regularly do.
But I’d like to think some pets know when we’re down or ill – and sounds like you’ve managed to collect a lovely little group of animals that do feel it. Or heck, maybe you’ve personally managed to teach the animals in your home about emotions through their time with you somehow – that’d be interesting to study!
I’ve had a few cats in my life. The last one was a Maine Coone mix I had for 17 years. He was the only one that seemed to really sense (or maybe he was the only one that cared about) my feelings. If I was sick or depressed, or my daughter was, he would come in to my room or hers and sleep with us the whole time, leaving only for food and water. He would be especially comforting, licking my hand, snuggling against me and purring in my ear. I lost him a few years ago. I haven’t gotten a new cat because there’s no replacement for him. He was a one and only.
What a magical kitty ❤
He absolutely sounds one of a kind, and like he had a ridiculously strong connection with you two. Definitely no replacement for a cat like that.
I have two stories off the top of my head, of cats being comforting, hope this is what you’re looking for.
When I got all my wisdom teeth removed, my mom had me spend the day at her apartment where my brother and his cat lived. The cat – Ribbi – knew me since he was a kitten, but a lot of separation over the years and his own anti-social personality meant we weren’t close anymore. Almost immediately after I sat on the couch, he jumped onto my lap, curled up and didn’t leave until right before I went home hours later. He never did that any other time I was there.
Just yesterday my boyfriend came back after days at the hospital for a severely broken leg. His kitten – whom he raised from her second day of life and adores him – went and smelled his cast, then laid down partially on it. For the last day, she stays either near him or right next to or on the leg. Usually, they have epic play battles every day where she’s biting and scratching at him, she hasn’t even tried. Clearly, she knows he’s injured and can’t play.
I die. These stories are ever so sweet and heartwarming <3
This especially slew me: "Usually, they have epic play battles every day where she’s biting and scratching at him, she hasn’t even tried. Clearly, she knows he’s injured and can’t play."
Thank you so very much for sharing!