Not sure if I mentioned last time I gave away the Supawstars Spotlight Award away – I’m hoping to make this into a monthly thing! So once I month (likely at the very end of the month – or even the very last day like today!) I will feature 5 pet bloggers that I think are doing an amazing job pet blogging away! 🙂
This month I’ve been really behind on KittyClysm since I’ve been swamped working on some of the other sites I run, so I wasn’t able to post as frequently as I liked on this blog, let alone do all the commenting I wanted to on all your amazing pet posts. I hope to remedy this the upcoming month! While I didn’t have time to search for new blogs to follow in October, there are a number of blogs I was already following that I’ve been itching to feature, so those are the ones I’ll be showcasing on this list today! Let’s jump into it, then, shall we?
5 Pet Bloggers I Think Are Doing a Pawsome Job!
1. Crystal’s Photo-Blogging Site & Crystal’s Site
Now this wonderful lady runs two pet-featuring blogs, and so I had to list both seeing as how I can’t have one on here without the other! It’s hard for me to choose a favourite between the two, seeing as how both blogs are so unique and yet so characteristically Crystal. Instead, I’ll say that I love both of them because of the nature of the photographs that Crystal takes and the topics she writes about. The photos are extremely candid; they make me feel like you’re looking at somebody’s photo album. The text – well, I’m a sucker for country life posts, even though I sadly live in a city (working to remedy that – hoping to move to a small town soon!). Her blogs make me want to pack up my things and move out to the countryside immediately – can’t help it, really! 🙂
2. Cats Herd You
I mean, how I got to the point where I’m 3 awards in and I still haven’t given Cats Herd You an award is nuts – this cat blog is the bomb! Cutest posts of absolute life, and basically the best storytimes on the planet. Also, I’m a little biased because Pierre looks a lot like my Avery to me, so I couldn’t help but feel love at first sight upon seeing some snapshots of that cat. Just an amazing blog all ’round, honestly. Nothing at all you could possibly want more in a cat blog.
3. The Swiss Cats
Yet another what-the-heck, how-have-I-not-featured-you-yet blog! I love The Swiss Cats. Whether it’s a Wordless Wednesday (where the photographs are so unique – such lovely and unique angles photos are taken from sometimes, ones you don’t often see cat photographs taken from!), an informational post (which are so spot on perfect length – long enough to give you all the facts but short enough so it’s easy to digest the information), or a story time post – wonderful. If someone wanted me to throw a cat blog at them that hit the perfect combination of entertaining, engaging, and informative, this would be it. Such a balanced blog and perfect posts no matter what type is published.
4. It’s a Wonderpurr Life
You can tell from the title of this blog it’s wonderful, can’t you? I wish I had more time this past month to stop by and browse through cat blogs I love because I would’ve commented on so many of Kim’s wonderful cat stories. She is an amazing storyteller, but honestly, I think she deserves an award for her pet photography alone! It’s all about those perfect moments she manages to capture on her camera. I mean look at this cute grumpiness – how the heck did she shoot those pictures so perfectly? And this perfection is not just a one off folks! She delivers on the crazy perfect pictures pretty much every time. Wonderpurr blogging right there, from start to finish!
5. Dennis’s Diary of Destruction
The only blog on this list that primarily features a dog, but I’ve no problem with featuring pet bloggers besides cat bloggers and this blog absolutely had to be included! I’m pretty sure I discovered this blog because Dennis’ human (James) left a comment on one of my posts and I of course stopped by to check out the site. Oh my goodness was I glad I did. You have comics. You have comedy. You basically have the cutest entertainment you could want for as long as you browse around this remarkable site. Fell in love with Dennis, though it’s hard not to after having read a part of his wonderful life story. Again, just really glad to have had that comment left on one of my posts as it led to the discovery of this awesome blog! 🙂
Featured? Give This Award Away!
If you’ve been featured in today’s pet blogger spotlight, I’d love for you to give this award away to other pet bloggers who you think deserve it. How can you do it? Here are the instructions for passing on the Pet Blogger Spotlight Award!
Want To Be Featured Next Time?
Interested in being featured the next time Supawstars Spotlight Award day rolls around on my blog? Just leave a comment down below saying absolutely anything and I’ll take a peek at your blog and hopefully include you next time! 🙂 I love finding new blogs, and the quickest way for you to help me learn about yours is with a simple comment on my own blog!
In case you’re curious, I give away the Supawstars Spotlight Awards once a month. To see all the awards I’ve given away to other pet bloggers in the past, take a peek here.
Help Spread The Love!
Want to give the Pet Blogger Spotlight Award away even though you didn’t happen to get awarded it from me this time? You can 100% do that! All the info about giving away the award is here.
Thanks so much to all you pet bloggers out there making the world a more fun and interesting place for us humans, and the world a better place for our pets! 🙂
Ellen Pilch says
Congrats on your well deserved award!
The Island Cats says
Thanks for introducing us to a couple of blogs we didn’t know about…we’ll check them out!
Elise Xavier says
Absolutely! Let me know if you can think of ones that I should be sharing.
Dennis the Vizsla says
hello elise its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow thank yoo so mutch for this award!!! i wil git the sets bak owt for the sunday awards and meem show and let the hipster kitties no they hav another chanse to destroy a kamra!!! ummm i meen to praktiss beeing my cohosts!!! ok bye
Elise Xavier says
Sounds great! haha. And yes, indeed, cohosts 😉 Too funny, Dennis!
Brian Frum says
We love each and every one of those super stars!!!
Elise Xavier says
Aren’t they the best? 😀
jansfunnyfarm says
They are all so deserving of your award! We love them all but yes, you most certainly do have to include Dennis the Vizsla.
Elise Xavier says
Agree with you completely 😉
Herman TattleCat says
Miz Elise, I’m so very honored that my grumpy face inspired you to give my blog this award. It was worth dressing up in a sissy peacock costume, fur sure! I promise I will live up to this recognition. Sending appreciation from my mom, Kim, my little sisfur Dori and the rest of the Wonderpurr Gang.
Elise Xavier says
You ALREADY live up to this recognition 🙂 xoxo And I’m glad this made you feel that putting up with a “sissy peacock costume” was worthwhile ;).
Thank you for all the love from the Wonderpurr gang! Avery & I appreciate it so much! 🙂
The Swiss Cats says
OMC ! OMC ! *blush* Your words mean the world to us, because it’s what we’re trying to do with our blog : entertain and educate. Thank you so much, Elise ! Purrs
Elise Xavier says
Well you nail it every time, then! It’s perfect at everything you’ve been trying to do 🙂 xoxo