I’m a compulsive starter. If that doesn’t make sense to you, just know that it means I’m one of those people who can’t sit still with projects all done up and completed. I need to start new projects all the time. It’s like an itch. Needs scratching.
Most of the projects I start up I don’t go through with. But that’s okay, because the ones that stick are great. At least in my eyes. This is one of those projects that’ll stick to for quite some time for sure. Why? I’m obsessed with cats and that’s not changing. That makes it so that I’ll always have new content, in some form or another, to be posting on this blog.
This isn’t even my first pet blog. I started up a blog about ball pythons way back when I had one many years ago, but we had to re-home our ball python not long after taking in our cat, and so while that’s still up for anyone who might want access to the information, I no longer post any new information to it. This blog is different, of course, because in my obsession with cats I doubt I could ever go without one again. Let alone stop playing with other people’s as well.
I’m constantly looking things up on the internet and fixin’ to buy new cat toys for my single cat (so far! once we have a house we’ll get #2), and I’m always pressing Thomas (my husband)’s buttons by trying to talk about it, anyway. Here, I can talk about cat toys and kitty litter to my heart’s content, and not have to worry about bugging anyone else; cause if you’re here, let’s be real, you’re as obsessive/curious about cat “stuff” as I am.
So here’s my introduction.
This is me…
My name’s Elise. I’ve singlehandedly (okay with Thomas’ help) turned my entire nuclear family into cat people. Srs. We went from 0 cats to 3 between myself, my parents, and my brother in the time span of about a year or two.
This is my cutie pie face…
Picture from post Baby Face
…his name is Avery. He’s a doll but he’s not a girl – get this assumption a lot. He’s a he. We’ve had him for ages now (bad at pegging down months/days/years, but it feels like he’s been with us since the beginning of time at this point). Found him when he was still a wee lad; if you’re interested in the backstory, head over to this post right here for a bit of a tug-at-your-heartstrings.
We had some adjusting pains initially, since he was a stray/feral cat we took in, but he’s older and wiser now, so for the most part the only #struggles we have with him are “I want to play, but I’m too lazy” based. We moved from Canada to the UK with this little one, and as a result had to re-do finding favourite litter and cat food. Happy to say that didn’t take very long at all, and that we’ve snagged a pretty gorgeous litter box that goes perfectly with the furniture in our studio flat, to top off the matter. Those products will likely make up the first few posts on this blog.
There’s plenty I do to spoil this wee cat, and there’s plenty more I still want to do. And in the process, I can tell you what’s worked for us and what hasn’t. When I initially thought of starting up a cat blog about a year ago, I hesitated because – well I have one cat. So I can’t do a cross-cat test and see what works for different cats. That being said, to hell with it. My cat is probably the pickiest little thing ever when it comes to what to play with, and lately with what to eat. If he likes something, I’m guessing most other cats will. And if not, well at least you have one cat’s opinion on what the finer things in life happen to be.
I’d introduce myself thoroughly, but it’s a bit of a pain to do so. I’m Elise and I’m a full time blogger, and if you’d like to get to know me better, you can do so by checking out the posts on my personal blog.
But now I’ve got to go. Because I’m being summoned to play. Must do as master requests.
/signing off
great!I’m a cat lady too:)
That’s awesome! 🙂