He’s been gone for a little while now. Maybe a week ago? I’d have to look up the exact date because time blurs for me and I was grieving so hard for a time that I could not even say it on this blog.
I am completely and utterly gutted and I feel it will take me a long time to recover. But certain things give me comfort…

First, I know we did everything we could, and so did the vets. This brings me peace.
Second, he did suffer – I think he had something along the lines of a heart attack the day he passed, but I could not and would not let him suffer for long, so we quickly rushed to the vet hospital to see him off and say our goodbyes, and we let him go as soon as we heard word from the vet’s that they’d done everything in their power but he was not getting any better.
Third, he was very weak. We don’t know his age, but we thought he was very old or at least not in the best of health even when we first met him and then took him in. We knew he would be the first to go, and if you told me back when that he would live this long with us, I would have been happy with the outcome.

I will be posting on here a lot more in the upcoming days and weeks – whenever I am ready to explain the medical situation in further detail, and then later when I am ready, posts that are an homage to him when I am ready to speak about his precious little self when I am at a point where it doesn’t feel like agony to write about him.
And I will update you on the grieving process as well, and how it went, and all sorts of things. But right now, I’m just going through the thick of it, so I’ll need some time to unravel before I put myself together enough to talk more about it here.
I’m so grateful for my brother, who lost his best friend, Beau, back in 2020. Beau was a sick little kitty who had recurring UTIs, and had so much trouble he had to undergo a PU surgery, though what finally took him was a heart condition he’d always had, that my brother forgot he even had with all the UTI issues that cropped up in his life.
It’s so hard. So, so hard. But I know one day I will be okay. Nothing and no one will ever replace Athos, and I am heartbroken albeit the situation playing out considerably better than it could have. Having seen Athos in his last moments, I know he was much sicker than we knew, than he let on, and luckily he didn’t seem to struggle except for those last two weeks.

Thank you all in advance for your condolences, I know that you will give them because you are good, kind people and I’m sure many of you understand. All I want now is to hold my little furbabies that are left (Avery and Bjorn) and make sure they are loved to bits and pieces before they go one day. They are and have always been far more healthy than Athos, but of course, no cat lives forever.
Please give your kitties an extra big cuddle for me. It gives me a lot of peace to know that other cats are getting loved extra hard by their pet owners in the name of Athos no longer being here. And thank you for letting me share him and how beautiful his relationship with my other cats with you in the past, and into the future as well.

Goodbye Athos, I love you so much. Present tense, past tense, future tense. Always.
Goodbye and if there is an after life, please go find Beau and curl up with him for super cuddles. You never met albeit being in the same house for a few short months. But I know you would have loved each other.
Goodbye my beautiful boy.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Athos. May the passage of time help heal your broken heart where present sorrows reside. Sending gentle thoughts of comfort. 💔
~Monika, Elsa, Wilson and Angels Norman & Sam
Beautiful words of comfort, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving them <3
So sorry to hear about your beautiful boy. How lucky you both were to have found each other and shared so much love together. Julie
Yes, we were so lucky. I read this the other day when you posted it, and it shifted my thoughts considerably. I was lucky, so lucky to have had encountered him, and the time I had with him was ever so valuable. Thank you for your words <3
Safe travels kit-cat.
Thank you, and absolutely yes. I love that term, actually, kit-cat. It’s so sweet.
Farewell, Angel Athos.
Hugs and purrs.
Thank you so much <3 And thank you for swinging by so often over the years and allowing me to share little pieces of my cats with you over so much time. I appreciate your presence, especially now when the grieving feels so lonely.
I am so sorry for the loss of your handsome boy and send my condolences.
Thank you so much <3 his handsome face will live on in my memories and treasured photographs and videos of him. I loved him to bits, and always will.
We read about Athos on the Cat Blogosphere and although we have not met before, we wanted to send our condolences. We all know the depth of the grief in losing a dear friend, and are so sorry you are going through it.
The Chans of The Poupounette
Thank you so much and please give your own cuddle bugs crazy cuddles for me tonight in the name of my dear Athos <3
I.m so sorry that Athos had to become an angel. May all the wonderful memories you made over the years bring you comfort now.
Sending love and hugs.🥰❤️🥰
I made you a memento, but I have no ea=mail address to send it to you, so Iit’s in my latest blog post. You can snag it from there, you may use it anyway you wish.
This is the link to my blogger post:
Thank you so, so very much <3 It's a beautiful memento and I truly appreciate your kindness.
It was so generous of you to take in an oldster like Athos. I took in a very-oldster who had been surrendered, Minuet lived with me only seven months, but she was happy, and she was safe. Athos undoubtedly felt your love and the utter security he had in his home. Those things mean everything to animals, and especially to the old. Godspeed, Athos, and God bless your family.
It doesn’t feel generous, it feels like I was just so, so lucky to have any time with him, yet I actually got a reasonably long time with him if I really think about it. I wish I could have had him forever. But alas, the life of a cat is short. Thank you for your comforting words and for telling me about Minuet. Such a pretty name, by the way. And I’m so sorry you didn’t have more time with her, but I am sure she lived the most precious seven months with you and will never be forgotten <3
When we took in Eddie, a kitten from off the street, we took to our vet to be checked out and get shots, The vet held him up, and looking straight into his face, said “you don’t know how lucky you are”.
So is Athos, and all your others, past, present, and future.
So sorry for the loss of your beloved Athos. Fly free beautiful Soul✨ It’s heartbreaking when they have to leave our planet, but know that they’re still around you. Once the pain is less, he shows you✨Soft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞
Thank you so much. Yes, it is heartbreaking 🙁 Nothing can soften the blow. I hope there is a beyond and that he’s happy and at peace now.
You are undertaking the long journey through grief. While others may share that grief we all walk it alone. There are no right or wrong paths, no proper way to carry oneself, no set amount of time to complete it. Some steps will come easier than others. There will be rogue waves of grief that you won’t see coming, and knock you back days. But you will come through it. If you get lost let us know. We have been through it before and we might be able to help you find the way out
Thank you so very much, for the perfect words and way of phrasing it, and for the offer for support in case I get lost. Too kind <3 Thank you <3 <3
I’m so, so sorry for your loss. There is truly no greater heartache than the loss of a beloved, cherished pet. Sending purrs of comfort…
No, it’s a stab to the heart every time I think of him 🙁 Thank you so much.
Although you speak with clear eyed courage I know losing Athos is a terrible loss. From his photos he looks a fine cat and I know you must be proud of him. Their leaving is always the worst time, but he had you and was so loved, he was a lucky cat.
He was a lucky cat, and I a lucky cat keeper. He was incredible. Will always be missed.
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. XO
Thank you so much, Ellen <3 He was such a beautiful boy
I am so very sorry for your loss. We never have them long enough. Huge hugs♥
Never ever, no amount of time can ever be enough.
“If you live to be a hundred, I hope I live to be a hundred minus one day, so that I never have to live a day without you.” (- from Winnie the Pooh)
Wish this was true of all my loved ones.
I am so very sorry about Athos…I know he will be missed. Gentle hugs to all who loved him
Sorely missed, and thank you so much for the hugs.
Our pets become such a part of our lives that often we grieve for them as much as we would for a person.
“When the cat you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.” – Unknown
Treasure the memory.
Maybe even more grieving sometimes, because they are such a constant in our lives and they are such innocent beings.
I will always treasure the memory, thank you <3
I’m so very, very sorry to hear about dear Athos. It really is never, ever easy, we’ve been there way too often. One of these days, when you least expect it, those memories will make your heart smile. It just takes too darn long. Hugs and love from all of us.
No, it’s never easy. I almost want to stay in the pain a bit because parts of me feel – completely ridiculously – that when the pain leaves I have moved on or will begin to forget details of him. That of course isn’t and will never be true.
Thank you for the hugs <3
Dearest Elise, I am so sorry for your loss. I’m praying for your strength and God’s comfort as you go through the grieving process for your precious Athos. My own cat, Casper, is 14 and I know I will eventually have to go through this too. I have always enjoyed your blog. Please keep it up when you can. Take care and stay strong. Athos had a very good life because of your steadfast love and care. You can feel good about that.
I hope you give your Casper mega hugs for me and that he lives many, many more years with the cat mamma he loves and who loves him back so dearly <3
May you find peace.
Thank you <3